Special Queen #1 + Power Plant + Moby Dick - 2nd run.


Well-Known Member
Here we go.

All the same as the first grow, but now i will use :
1) 3 containers of 12 liters Root pouch. 1 Container Smart Pot 15 liters.
2) Ona Gel (fresh linen 1 litre) to fight the odours.
3) Guerrilla Tabs + Guerrilla Juice. Maybe Dutch Pro explode in flowering phase.
4) No measring Ec , Ph. Tap water is 6.8 after one day of standing still.
5) Soil - Atami bio grow mix.

I found 2 Moby Dick seeds in a bud when I was buying buds in a local coffeshop. So i hope they will be girls , if not - ill collect some dicks pollen :D

Nothing interesting, so the journal is for my own notes making process. :)