speed up roots

el rey

seems like it takes forever for the roots to reach water they are in 6 inch net pots with hyrdroton. Any tricks to speed them up? DWC setup


Well-Known Member
How long are they taking? Took me 5-6 days to see some this round for me. But before that it took 4 weeks and I still didn't see any.

Things I did different was I waited until my RW had a lot of roots coming out the bottom(about 2 weeks time) and then I put them in the buckets. So 20 days total time vs 28 days and still non on last try. Thats still not quick enough though.

I also stopped letting my plant see PH spikes by making my buckets a day or two before I switched over the lid, not sure if that aided any, just something I did different. Also gave them a proper feed, which helped. And used mycorrhizae, also helped.


Well-Known Member
El Rey: You might want to raise your nutrient level to within about a half inch of the bottom of your net pots, put a couple of big air stones that will vigorously bubble your nutes in your reservoir and this will usually dampen your Hydroton and encourage your roots to grow down a lot faster. How do your babies look? Are they happy? If they are, patience grass hopper. I hope this helps. HSA

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I don't think the time it takes for roots to reach water is much of a factor in how well the plant will do later on, IF they are being fed correctly by some other source until they do reach water (I like bubbles for this).

What seems to matter more is how well roots do after they are in the water. I am running a new experiment to test SOS, an organic root stimulator, against h2o2. I have heard great things about SOS.