Spend a lot on electricity?? New device to help out!


There is a new device that recently came out that will cut 20% or more off your electric bill! If you use ballasts lights, fans, A/c's, Dehumidifiers, or pumps this will save you money! check it out!


I just ordered one, I will write back when I see my savings.. I have a 500 dollar electrical bill, should save at least a hundred dollars a month.


Well-Known Member
FINE TUNES your electrical system !!!!! What a load of crap!! You just gotta be stupid to believe that.


Well-Known Member
Unplug anything that stores power (tvs)
Unplug anything with a DC power converter (xbox computer stuff ect)
They suck power all day long even when off.


Well-Known Member
there is a sucker born every minute. My wife is an energy efficiency expert and she laughed her head off. My friends father is an electrical engineer and developed an energy recording instrument for homes (he just sold the patent) and he said "technically they are correct, but the benefits are waaaaay overstated.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
LMAO!!! They have a Fox News report giving it a thumbs up.

Unfortunately... It's Fox News... If there is any entity in the world that cannot be trusted it is News Corp.

Still though, the theory is sound. Capacitors do work, but the power savings is better for mechanical stuff like hot tubs, refrigerators, and fans. Purely electrical stuff with few moving parts, like televisions and light bulbs get little to no energy savings.

In places where the air conditioning is a huge part of the energy bill this device might pay for itself over the course of two years. In my home though I have two televisions for a total of nearly 400w when they are both running. My 62" plasma at 250w+ runs for 12 hours a day on the average. The lighting in my place, though some CFL's do exist, consists of heat lamps in the bathrooms and specialty track lighting in the kitchen and living room. Considering it does little to help with my lighting, entertainment, or the cooking of food in my electric oven, my savings would be minimal.

For the right person, like my dad who is a professional bowler and polishes his balls before tournaments with a 500w spinning noise-maker, and trims his hedges, and hot tubs to relax from it all, this product makes sense. For a couch potato pothead like myself... It's a dud for sure.


Its actually not a scam, I have seen it work. It is a new device and more people and company's are saving money everyday.. More and more testimonials are coming, Its expected that some people wont be able to understand how it works. I will show you my personal savings when I get mine, I have already seen others save! *Legally Flying* tell your wife too look into "Power Factor Correction" It has been used for Years in large industrial situations. This is one thing the device saves electricity, If someone is actually an "expert" on electrical efficiency they will know the benefits of "power factor correction" I'm sorry I brought it up before I have experienced the results myself but I will show them when I get them


Snow Crash is right. Not for everyone. But anything with an inductive motor it will save, and plasmas have at least two, computers have four. CFL lights have a power factor of about .5 so will almost double their efficiency. Common items in a grow room that would run more efficiently with this are florescent bulbs and ballast lamps(HPS/HID), CFL's all your fans, water pumps, Dehumidifier, A/C's. Also most houses use their dishwasher, Washer/dryer, refrigerators Any tools, Cd players, heat pumps, DVR's. But Snow crash is right, if you don't have these or don't use them very often then probably not the best idea to buy. but if you have a grow room like me and an over 200 dollar electrical bill it is a very good investment. My bill is over 500, I will save atleast a hundred a month, I will pay the device off with my savings in nine months. Great investment for me I can't wait to start saving.