Spicy white devil


Active Member
good work bro!!! i have one too from attitude for free. today its 36 days old!! i have her in a 37 liter pot and its about 60cm (2 ft) tall!! i topped her, and damned those two stems grow up so quickly!!
i cant w8 till harvest its gone be a good smoke if u think of genetics jack herer X blueberry!!

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Thanks man. Yours are looking sweet! Nice size too!

I was thinking of topping her as i haven't the place to allow her to grow as tall as they can. Or i might try an LST method. But she has recovered well from the move. I too am look forward to the smoke as i prefer a sativa smoke than indica. Dam she smells good. All of my grows are letting out different aromas. I have one of those airwick plugins and it's working on overtime trying to mask the smell but it's such a lovely waft.

How often are you feeding her? I don't want over feed her but everytime i give her a light feed she grows more!

I am also doing a timelapse on one of my other grows. Watching them grow in timelapse is just so fascinating.

I just measured her and she in only half the size of yours. I am suspecting from a slow growth from being in a smaller pot earlier on. ATM she comes at 30cm.


well i poted her in the 37lt no more than a week ago! before she was in a 4.5lt pot!!!!! and she still growed a lot!! i started Hesi TNT Complex about 15days old. and the last 4-5 days i feed her Hesi BLOOM complex and Hesi phosphurus PLUS. and mine gets 24/0 light from 600 HPS... so i think the diference in grow is more from the light than the feeding!! u should get her more lumens!!!! as for the feeding i water her every 2-3 days with 2lt water(food+ph correction about 6.0) and YES! she likes food a lot!! she just keep growing and growing and growing!! My problem is that in the same growroom i have 3 more autos about 1.5 month from harvesting and i cant put her in 12/12 until my autos finish cause i dont want to reduse yield cause of less light... sooooooo she'll get about 2 - 2.5 months veg totally!!!

PS 1: when r u going to put her in 12/12 urs????
PS 2: i got my plants out of growroom to do some working in the room for some new fans.. so i took her a better pic to see!!



Active Member
Day 40: (Sat 19/11/11)

After settling into her new home she has grown a bit in the last week. My lack of updates will show how much she is growing at this stage. I left her outside for a few days, but due to the crap weather in the past week she has been under lights the whole week.

Her feed has been full now, using the proganics growth A+B 8ml to 1000ml water every 2nd day since tuesday.

All my plants seem to like the proganics range as their growth rate has been great.






Active Member
well i poted her in the 37lt no more than a week ago! before she was in a 4.5lt pot!!!!! and she still growed a lot!! i started Hesi TNT Complex about 15days old. and the last 4-5 days i feed her Hesi BLOOM complex and Hesi phosphurus PLUS. and mine gets 24/0 light from 600 HPS... so i think the diference in grow is more from the light than the feeding!! u should get her more lumens!!!! as for the feeding i water her every 2-3 days with 2lt water(food+ph correction about 6.0) and YES! she likes food a lot!! she just keep growing and growing and growing!! My problem is that in the same growroom i have 3 more autos about 1.5 month from harvesting and i cant put her in 12/12 until my autos finish cause i dont want to reduse yield cause of less light... sooooooo she'll get about 2 - 2.5 months veg totally!!!

PS 1: when r u going to put her in 12/12 urs????
PS 2: i got my plants out of growroom to do some working in the room for some new fans.. so i took her a better pic to see!!

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My only auto is less than a month from harvesting so i am in the same boat. I am hoping she starts blooming around the time I harvest my auto, which is around the 16th of Dec. Around that time i am switching her and my others to 12/12.

Your one should look nice and big now, would love too see an update.

I should her feed her more water, just maybe. ATM i am only giving her 1ltre maybe increase slowly to 2ltre during the week, but i dont wan't her to grow any taller so i did top her last night.


ok bro! so this lady its 55 days! and started flower mode 9 days ago!!
she is 97cm long and she just gettin the whole room!! my poor autos cant get to much light xD
these two steams are just gettin taller and taller and taller!!
here is a pic!
oh and i water her every third day and she gets 3lt water with hesi supervit + hesi bloom complex + hesi phosphorus plus.



Active Member
wow nice! :D She looks big!

Mine is growing really fast as well, i'll upload a pic soon. She is starting to show some flowering i think but i topped her the other day because she was growing too tall for the room I have. Also I left her outside two days ago as it was nice and sunny but i think it was windy here and when i got home she was leaning to one side. Top heavy i think. But then i gave her some feed and put her under lights and now she looks healthy again.

I can see the female sex showing up on each node. I think she is one week off from flowering.


Active Member
I was going to update tonight. She has grown a lot but she is not flowering at all or even close to flowering. I don't know why..i have about 6 48 and 28 w CFLS on her and still nothing..even changed her to 12/12 and nothing.

The weather down here in Aust terrible atm..its cold and very windy..so i can't even leave most of my plants outside during the day. I tried this last week and when i got home all my plants where loopsided and droppy looking.

On the other hand my auto i harvested last weekend. 63 days. The buds are curing but i had a smoke and very heady..more sativa than indica which i am happy about. The yeild wasn't at all that high..just under 45 grams. :(

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Funny that you mention she hasn't gone into flower yet even after switching to 12/12.. I am having the same problem with my SWD. On 11/27 I put my girl into a 30hr dark period and switched to 12/12 after the trigger, She was 15" tall at that time. After 19 days and not seeing a single hair I was confused. I was thinking there was some bleed through from the lights from my flood and drain table. Or that 30hrs of darkness just wasn't long enough for her. So I just finished putting her into 48hrs of darkness to trigger the flowering AGAIN. She is now 36.5" tall. Which means she has stretched an addition 21.5" since i first tried to trigger her into flower.
Today, I had to rework my makeshift tent and add 11" of height because she is getting to damn tall. But I guess i can be happy. She is basically growing an inch a day. And for my first DWC grow i"m happy the bitch is still alive :)

Almost time for Xmas vacation, Disneyland for 4 days. I think i"m more excited for Disneyland, than this dang plant to start flowering.

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Oh here is a pic of my SWD. Enjoy!!

Flower would ya.

I haven't heard of other SWD grows being this difficult to flower, so whats up?
Mine is under a 240 Watt Blackstar LED. But, I am using a no name nutrient company that is actually made locally, so it's cheap, dirt cheap. "X-Nutrients". So far the only thing i've had to add to the formula is Cal/Mag. I am also adding Flora Nectar into the mix. So. But nothing i've done stands out as to why she isn't flowering ... Oh wait.. I said it myself. A no name nutrient company :)


Well-Known Member
this thread made me relax a little. Have a SWD thats about 40 days old and hasnt started to flower yet, was getting a little worried but good to see that they seem to be a late bloomer! Have it under a 250w HPS on 20/4 cycle. How are your SWD's doing or are they finished?


Active Member

She started flowering about 3 weeks ago after a massive growth spurt. I had to top her cause she was growing way too big for my grow room. She seems a bit mongy and from the weight of the forming flowers is tipping over, not that i am complaining cause there some nice big buds forming. Not long to go now all the nodes are have filled up. Also been keeping her outdoor for a full day sun...all my plants have been outside and they have loved it! THe temps been perfect this month.

I think a few weeks and its harvest time. I should take some pics of what she looking like now.

Also been feeding all of them bloom feed.

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Heya Hughy, Just thought i would chime in for an update. Based on your comment that she started flowering 3 weeks ago from Jan 22nd. She will near completion March 15th.. I learned that SWD has a flowering period of roughly 75 days from first hair. I know such a long time, it sucks. Thursday is day 50 from first hair for my girl and she only has about 5% of her hairs turning color. If I would have known about the super long flowering time for this strain I would have passed. Mine should be ready around March 5th, But with neighbors beginning to smell her I might need to yank a little sooner.

One thing i do like is my girl is covered in triches. I can"t believe how many.


Active Member
Heya Hughy, Just thought i would chime in for an update. Based on your comment that she started flowering 3 weeks ago from Jan 22nd. She will near completion March 15th.. I learned that SWD has a flowering period of roughly 75 days from first hair. I know such a long time, it sucks. Thursday is day 50 from first hair for my girl and she only has about 5% of her hairs turning color. If I would have known about the super long flowering time for this strain I would have passed. Mine should be ready around March 5th, But with neighbors beginning to smell her I might need to yank a little sooner.

One thing i do like is my girl is covered in triches. I can"t believe how many.

Mine is flowering slowly thats for sure..i mean now i am getting the colas/crowns starting to swell but i can still see the buds are not thick enough. And i am yet to get any smell unless i go right up and smell her..so yeah i think another month for sure. In fact all of my 5 plants are taking their sweet arse time to change colour..a lot of triches on every node. I also noticed one of my girls was budding and fattening up and the trics went amber..but a few days later she was covered with new trics that were white.

One of the colas are the shape of rugby ball and the length of a baseball bat.

Again this is my first time growing proper strains as i have only done random seeds and autos.

Ok tonight i will try and post some current pics of all my plants.

I can't belive how slow this strain is!

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Wish I had a cola the size of a baseball bat. My SWD stretched so much I'm gona have a bunch of buds but nothing too huge. it is taking its sweet time to ripen thats for sure. I know what you mean about all the trich's and waiting for the buds too swell, they look skinny to me too. I pulled a clone from her just before she flowered and I put that thing into flower right away. Even she has stretched, but she wont be nearly the goliath as this one. Hopefully a little more manageable as well. I'll get pics tomorrow on both of my SWD's.