Spider In Room


Active Member
I've found a small spider in my room. This may be a really dumb question but Will a spider do damage in the room? I've heard of spiders can help with spider mite but don't know if that's totally correct. Not that I've even got spider mite. Will a spider start to introduce other insects into room?


Well-Known Member
Aside from making webs a spider will do no damage to your room. Spider's can't spawn random other animals so it shouldn't introduce anything to your room that isn't already in it.
Spiders are good as long as its not a widow or recluse (not good for you)! Im not a pro 420 grower but been a farmer for past 30 yrs and can't think of any better (non-chem) free insect control!


Well-Known Member
Spiders are good as long as its not a widow or recluse (not good for you)! Im not a pro 420 grower but been a farmer for past 30 yrs and can't think of any better (non-chem) free insect control!
i laughed out loud for real :p

100% accurate, was just funny reading it :p


Active Member
I killed one instantly when I saw it, then immediatly regretted it. After I realized a spider would just kill anything else, I was :-(


Ive put all spiders ive found in the tent, i just presumes it was bug control aswell as keeping the missus from pinching buds! :twisted:


Active Member
I've always let them do there thing and they usually go unnoticed. although like a month ago there was a fucking spider with a body the size of a nickle! No Way would i let that big fucker live so I had to get rid of that one... still just gives me the creeps. lol