spider mite help - 2 weeks into flowering cycle


Active Member
Spider mite help please 2 weeks into flowering
Hi everyone I am after some help on my second grow

I am using a secret garden grow tent with two ice widow clones in soil. They are approximate 3 weeks into flowering and I have been infested with spider mites

I got some pure neem oil today and I just wanted to check I am ok to spray my babies with a solution with them being in the flowering stage

It's quite a bad infestation and it's something I would like to sort out

Hope you can advise



Well-Known Member
Two remedies I have used at this stage.
1 Floramite - 20 day residual effect - If you have more than 3 weeks before harvest - mites deader than hell. Very potent but expensive $20. Found on the net (floramite.com) or some grow stores.
2 Insecticidal soap - can be used right up to harvest - used on various fruits and vegs - kills mites - inexpensive - about $5 for concentrate - lasts a long time. Used to be able to buy at Home Depot but they do not stock it here anymore. http://www.bayeradvanced.com/insects-pests/products/natria-insecticidal-soap
About the neem oil - with so long to harvest, it should not affect the taste of the finished product, but watch out for late term use.
Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Also If you can, drop the temperatures. It will slow there reproduction rate. Good luck man, I hate mites


Active Member
Thanks genesis for the straight answers
I am in the uk so I need to find myself a shop along the lines of home depot
Thanks again dude


Well-Known Member
You Should Be Fine With Neem At This stage but if you are really worried go out and get some ladybugs, they work like a charmm:)
and next time jsut spray your plants in vegg with neem every now n then, and you wont ever have this problem again


Well-Known Member
Lady bugs work, but they fly into the light and die. Suck up the bastards with a vacuume. Works great!


Active Member
get some hydrogen proxide, ans suncant natural sugar. mix 3 tea spoons of sugar in hot water let cool and soak plants let dry then peroxide the fuck out of them! and if you can get some neem oil for after! wipe all your shit with bleach and remember clean clean clean! and no outside company,ie,new cuttings,friends oets! good luck! and burn 11


Active Member
fuck mites! i had them so bad before that the littlle fuckers had webs over my buds! that was 3 yearago neveragain!