spider mite idea i havent seen yet


Well-Known Member
anyone ever use sevin dust or rose dust to get rid of spider mites? i know a experienced grower that said he uses it and just sprinkles the plants and the soil with it and it does the job. ive never seen anyone post anything about using it so i just thought it would be an idea to try for some of you if no one has used it.


New Member
apparently so yeah... wouldnt suggest using alot tho and dont want that in the buds... it repels them imguessing


Well-Known Member
i was told you could sprinkle it on the buds too and itll wash out with a light hose down. he uses is it on all kinds of plants and vegetables and says it works like a charm


Well-Known Member
Neem oil is the best and most growers approve it. There are sure to loads of threads on it.
ya ive seen plenty of neem oil threads for the mites and thats usually the first thing recommended. BUT i was talking with this grower which ive known all my life and have seen plenty of good results from, and he told me about the sevin and rose dust. said sprinkle your plants down and they'll be gone. then you can just hose your plants off and wash all the dust off the plants and said it wont hurt the soil or roots when washed in. he swears by the stuff. just thought i would throw that out to my fellow growers around the world for another safe idea for mite control since it seems to be such a big problem with our plants. BTW hes a outdoor guy. most of us arent going to "hose down" our indoor babies lol

doby mick

Active Member
Vitality + Does exactly what it says on the bottle and kills the eggs too, and i have never seen any of these pestacides make your plant look well after spaying, well the next day my plants look good. Doby Mick


Well-Known Member
to be honest i only know of one thing that REALLY works for a mite infestation and that is Tetrasan, shit wipes out even the worst infestations in a week or 2. Cant use it once you flower tho.


Well-Known Member
see something else to kill them lol. ya the flowering period infestations seem to be worse seeing you cant use half the pesticides during flowering