Spider mite problem! Please help


New Member
I'm currently in a week of veg and my plants have spider mites from the mother plant I got the clones from. I sprayed them with safer endall spray cause this is suppose to take care of them. There is a couple yellow dead looking leaves that the spider mites took over and I'm wondering if it would be okay if I cut them off. I figured it would reduce the spider mites a little and take out a little food source. Any advice?


Well-Known Member
Lady bugs and Dr. Bronners lavender soap. 1 tbsp per quart. Spray every other day for a week. They will be gone. That's the best organic method and won't burn your plants like forbid and avid, etc....


Active Member
Noice, i just bought organicide from home depot, its all organic but smells like mermaid poonanaie , works great.
Thanks for the tip

Lady bugs and Dr. Bronners lavender soap. 1 tbsp per quart. Spray every other day for a week. They will be gone. That's the best organic method and won't burn your plants like forbid and avid, etc....


Well-Known Member
Noice, i just bought organicide from home depot, its all organic but smells like mermaid poonanaie , works great.
Thanks for the tip
I've used that before a few years ago. It didn't do shit for bugs. Gets rid of pm. After a few times you get used to the gnarly fish smell. I don't like it as a foliar. Its very oily. It can clog stomata's. Dilute it quite a bit. Use less than it says. The soap on the other hand , you can go over board with that. It won't suffocate the plant. It biodegrades in 24 hours.

the Dr. Bronners you can get at sprouts, Bristol farms, clarks, trader Joes, Gelsons, whole foods, or any healthy organic market like those


Lady bugs and Dr. Bronners lavender soap. 1 tbsp per quart. Spray every other day for a week. They will be gone. That's the best organic method and won't burn your plants like forbid and avid, etc....
Does it need to be lavender? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Just did a little reading, spider mites are attracted to eucalyptus. So I wouldn't use it. Lavender also has 250 compounds and minerals beneficial to plants.


Just did a little reading, spider mites are attracted to eucalyptus. So I wouldn't use it. Lavender also has 250 compounds and minerals beneficial to plants.
Good to know. I used just a dab of lavender essential oil on my dog in the past and it also kept the fleas away.