spider mites again???????????????


Active Member
I had spider mites early in veg got rid of them (i thought) now 2 1/2 weeks into flower there back how can i get rid of them without effecting the buds. thank for any help.
Um i don't really know how to get rid of them, but i know you can smoke the bud even if it's got cobweb on it lol. google it.
Get yourself some Neem oil...its organic...but works well. You might have to apply a few times. Just make sure you follow the directions. Neem and Nasty is a great product.
i was told not to spray buds with soaps or neem oil it will effect the buds

Do you want to smoke some crazy deadly chems that will be left on your buds? Also could cause mold in your buds. I think youll have to use a neem substance and spread it on the leafs and stem with a peice of paper towel or something? Im not to sure. you should check the faq, Im sure it will be in there.:peace::peace: and good luck.
so no product beside neem that suppose to be safe to use during flowering

Ohh there is other stuff, just dont spray the buds. One thing that works very well is a chem called Dicofol, look for a spider mite product that contain that. it works, Im sure you could get a spray and put it on a cloth and spread all over the leaves.
Theres a few products of even some household sprays you can make. Lets start with a few home recipes: mix 1/8 to a 1/4 cup of hydrated lime to a quart of water works well on spider mites (not sure about in flower)add a few drops of ivory soap or a wetting agent. Another good recipe that you can use in flower 1 teaspoon of hot pepper or Tabasco sauce, 4 garlic cloves and a quart of water. mix in a blender. add a couple drops of of ivory soap. Filter with cheese cloth or panty hose. Spray em down.

I use neem with great success, even in flower but if you keep on top of spraying your plants in veg it's not likely you'll have a problem in bud. Neem works both as a contact and systemic. Neem Oil has a very low level of toxicity to Mammals and breaks down very fast in sunlight and within a few weeks in the soil. So as long as your not spraying them a few days before harvest you will be fine! When insects are sprayed with the neem they will either die instantly or become sterille. It also inhibits the development of all stages. Ive used it up till about 4 weeks of flower.
1L of water
1 small clove of garlic
1 sliver of sope

had spider mites when I got my plants home 3 days later and its been almost 2 months and I haven't gotten them again
Ive tried everything, but i recently got told about plant vitality+ and boy oh boy did it work for me, just put this in another thread as i was so amazed..got it from ebay, cheap, organic and wow it kicked them all in, in a few seconds...killed the eggs to, great thing is, its non systemic, it simply works on contact, im not an angry man, but i took pleasure from actually seeing them die before my eyes !!!...hope karma doesnt bite me !
lol goodsman32 you sound like a happy customer so ile get that in to ensure i dont get any on the next grow ive never had any as of yet..only small white bugs in the soil like fleas in a way 'they hop' but i killed them ,,im going to buy some things in to safeguard my future