Spider Mites before grow even begins?

Hi everyone, new here. Starting my first grow in my closet in a rubbermaid container. I have 4 seeds that have just sprouted out of 4 dixie cups and in a few days if not now I'm thinking of transplanting them to new soil because I'm seeing these extremely tiny white bugs crawling around in the top and inside of the soil, are these spider mites? I really don't need that kinda shit happening to my grow before it even really begins lol.

Any info and help would be much appreciated. :)

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, new here. Starting my first grow in my closet in a rubbermaid container. I have 4 seeds that have just sprouted out of 4 dixie cups and in a few days if not now I'm thinking of transplanting them to new soil because I'm seeing these extremely tiny white bugs crawling around in the top and inside of the soil, are these spider mites? I really don't need that kinda shit happening to my grow before it even really begins lol.

Any info and help would be much appreciated. :)
Sounds like fungus gnats. They probably came with the soil. Keep on growing. A little Dr Doom on the surface of the soil once a week will knock em back.

Don't sound like fungus gnats to me, they could be hypoaspis miles. If they ARE hypoaspis miles, they are a beneficial mite that eat fungus gnat larvae...check out this link...


are these the little critters??

They just might be, they're so small though by the time I notice them moving its hard to get a glance at them before they hide under something. They are that color and shape though so I'm hoping.
Thanks for the info guys, this keeps me optimistic about my grow. :)