Spider mites first time


Well-Known Member
I bet... They had to of come from the hedges im tearing out. Literally we're only in one spot so far.

What about mites from home depot? They badasses too lol?

Co2 @ 5000ppm even work?
haha home depot ones probably haven't been repeatedly nuked with miticide and survived i would assume


Well-Known Member
it may be a hassle but could be worth it for you to change your clothes before messing with ur ladies if there r mites wild around your house. It literally only takes one in a marijuana grow to start the problem. We take such good care of our plants that we provide an absolutely ideal environment for these little fuckers to thrive.

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
No. @Tim Fox posted a link where they are using pyrethrins and not listing it. That's a horrible neurotoxin to be using late flower.

I used spinosad on my mites and rid them in two foilar and two systemic treatments. Even reused the soil. Its good stuff.
i posted that mighty wash was very bad,, did I miss something?,, lol,, i get it,, yup bad,,
gosh i am stoned,, hahaha


Well-Known Member
have you got a grow thread going right now? i need to come check it out, been a while
Same one, just new plants. I'm actually having some problems. I'm sure its a new commercial peat mix that a nursery uses for hanging baskets and starting seeds.

Its the only variable that's different. It is a dry compresses bale. 4 cubic ft. The directions said to water and sit x amount of days. I let it sit that long plus the time it took the soil to cook.

The link is in my signature.


Ive had many problems with spider mites in the past powder mold, aphids, bud rot. I had the same worry as you, do I spray my precious babies with these chemicals, is it gonna hurt them? How long can I spray them for? I found Onyx spider mite spray, it keeps all the bugs away and stops pm from forming. Its all natural and organic, you can literally safely use it even after harvest, it doesnt burn or hurt the plants, it actually works great as a leaf shine also. I tend to spray throughout my entire harvest every other week or so, keeps the bugs and mites away.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Mites, mites, mites....There is only ONE mite NUKER that I would call effective!


NOT a systemic! effective life of 18-20 days. Even the concentrated form was found to be "Not a hazard to humans" - other then possible allergic reactions to exposed skin or eye's. This info come's from ACTUAL toxicology reports from State and Collage labs!

I would not use in the last 4 weeks of bloom......