Spider mites from hell


Not where my health and the health of others is concerned. That stuff is specifically labeled not good even for regular household use.

The other things I mentioned will kill them. Insecticidal soap, Spinosad, Pyrethrin w/ pbo, Organicide. I've never tried Azamax. Whatever you use re-apply at 5-7 day intervals and spray all plant parts (or primarily just leaf if later in bloom). Be sure to clean the grow area to the best of your ability, as in remove everything if possible and basically sterilize the room, equipment, etc. and surrounding areas. If it isn't possible to start over again, spray your plants and leave them in a tub or something if possible (overnight). Clean every piece of equipment you can, scrub the grow room with bleach or disinfectant. Let the space dry and air out over night. Rinse the plants off the next day, really well (use a pump sprayer these are available for $10-20). Put them into your clean grow room.

Then make sure you spray again in 5-7 days, whether you see them or not. Keep that up for another 2-3 weeks. Again if you're very far into bloom them the most you really can do is remove the worst leaves and discard them; target the other leaves that may have some mites or eggs. Harvest as soon as you can and perform the aforementioned protocol on the room and any younger plants. Use Dr. B's peppermint soap preemptively on a weekly basis on plants thru the first half of bloom. Then all you can do if you have them really bad where you live is try to battle them outside (with beneficial insects) of where you live and\or make sure your grow room is totally sealed, no pets allowed, always take a shower and put on new clothes before entering the grow room, etc.


Well-Known Member
Amblyline cal

Amblyseius (Neoseiulus) californicus


Product guide
Instructions for use
  • Introduce Amblyseius californicus at 4/m², as one or more applications
  • Increase to 20/m² in ‘hot spots’
  • Keep containers horizontal and cool until use
  • Do not expose to direct sunlight at any time
  • Immediately before opening, gently rotate the container to distribute the mites evenly throughout the carrier
  • Open each container in the crop when ready to use it
  • Sprinkle the mixture onto the leaves of the crop, applying more into and around developing spider mite colonies
I'm kind of surprised nobody has mentioned a CO2 bomb except legallyflying, you might lose a day of growth and it might be expensive; but, if you do it right, those mother fuckers won't come back. Incidentally legallyflying is right on the nuclear option.
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Well-Known Member
I'm kind of surprised nobody has mentioned a CO2 bomb except legallyflying, you might lose a day of growth and it might be expensive; but, if you do it right, those mother fuckers won't come back. Incidentally legallyflying is right on the nuclear option.
Not only this is dangerous, it won't work unless it's a crazy high ppm.
Please don't do this, it's not safe and won't work.

The awnser to any pest/disease is simple but yet complicated,
Healthy medium =good genetics = healthy immune system= plants ability to fight off pest/disease and a better quality product.
If you use bottles nutes , you more likely to use chemical to fight off pest/disease,
True organics will build a strong immune system, all you need is a healthy environment, and occasional IPM.
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Active Member
heres my potion for clearing mites. worked 100%. you must know that the mites themselves arent the problem. its a combo of mites and eggs. ppl think its a one and done spray. its not. its a process....
you'll need AZAMAX, SPINOSAD, and persistence

DAY 1 mix 1/2 to 1 oz AZAMAX and 1-2 oz of SPINOSAD per gallon of water. plant age will determine amounts of AZ and SPIN
DAY 2 optional: spray leaves w water and a ilttle soap (clean off oil)
DAY 3 same as day one..AZAMAX ONLY
DAY 5 same as day 2
DAY 6 repeat day 1
DAY 8 optional water spray
DAY 9 repeat day 3
DAY 11 optional water spray
DAY 12 repeat day 1
DAY 14 optional water spray
DAY 15 repeat day 3

make sure you spray with lights off and allow about 4 hrs before turning back on to avoid burns. coat top and bottom of leaves and top coat of your media.
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Well-Known Member
make sure you hit the underside of everything. turn them upside down if you can and spray duh fuq out of em.