spider mites on my alien og


Active Member
if I harvest early will that prevent this problem from getting worse or will it only continue during the drying/ curing process?
I just dont know what I should do????
Yes the spider mites start webbing the close spaces in between the branches and the buds as well, when I had them in the past I either kept running my hands over the areas that are webbed and the buds,even a good vacuum cleaner can take those suckers off,just make sure the fitting is clean. Don't cut your plants early,never early, just keep them green and alive, if you have neem oil that will subdue them even spraying the crap out of the leaves and understides will slow them down but they will lay eggs under the leaves so you have to makes sure if you try to kill them a seperate time use your insecticide, then use it again after a couple days to kill the eggs undederneath.


Well-Known Member
I found the little fuckers three days from harvest...maybe ten leafs...i removed a shitload of leafs just to make sure..now im chopping..they thrive off alive leafs right? So im hoping i can be ok..chopping today..so fuck them...unless these cocksuckers thrive off dead buds...dry buds whatever...
Will they?
Thrive on dry buds?. I sure as shit aint spraying anything on the buds..fuck my life..seriously?


Active Member
I sprayed my babies with both neem and Safer insecticidal soap. it took three sprays over about two days and they were gone and didn't come back. I don't know about spraying buds. worst case you can wash the spray residue off after there are no more signs of mites, can't you?