spider mites or mold?


Well-Known Member
Just about ready to harvest and I peak under the leaves and see something that almost makes me cry :-(
There's a white fluffy stuff in a few spots in amongst the dense bud. Pictures are attached. Is it mold? Or perhaps the webs of spider mites?
20140505_232923.jpg 20140505_233005.jpg


from the pic its kind of hard to tell. i don't think its spider mites. i just killed a colony of them off some bamboo in my kitchen and a colony big enough to make a fuzz ball that big would be noticeable elsewhere on the plant.not looking like grey mold ether though. almost looks like a moth/bug cocoon.

whatever it is remove if from the plant, if it is mold you don't want it spreading.


Active Member
Not good for leaves and especially buds to be all over the soil like that because when you water the moisture sits on there and well as you can see can cause mold and issues alike.


Well-Known Member
Please help my babies !!
Can you please tell me what's those white dots and something inside looks likes some sort of eggs!!!
How can i treat this?? It happened in less than a day!



Well-Known Member
Please help my babies !!
Can you please tell me what's those white dots and something inside looks likes some sort of eggs!!!
How can i treat this?? It happened in less than a day!
first pic looks like it may be mites, can't tell without a better pic, or a pic of the underside.
on a plant that size, you could just gently rub the leaf between your fingers, and if the bottomside of the leave gives you a slimy green-black residue on your fingertip then thats a bunch of mites you just killed.
f@$%kin HATE mites, an endless battle it seems. If it is indeed mites, go REAL light on any pyrethrem treatment, I've burned a couple early clones/seedling from a normal pyrethrum spray that doesn't hurt established adults, but early clones and seedling are sensitive.


Well-Known Member
and in the right type of heat, one mite can turn into thousands in 24 hours, and millions in 7 days.
little bastards...
I have good luck with azamax (I think that's the name) I'd prefer to use just neem oil, but in my trials it just doesn't seem to work well enough


Well-Known Member
Thank you endlessly gmm!!
That's first thing tomorrow morning. I'll take another picture too for my third baby.
This is my first grow. Seeds from a bag of fruits of unknown outdoor strain. I am growing outdoors in 1 gal pots.
Seedlings are 2 weeks old now and i grew gaining all knowledge so for from rollitup.


Well-Known Member
The soil was wet and that's just the way it looks. I hope that is what made you mention mold. I could nowhere find quality soil, there is so little professional gardening in this country.
I intend to top the plants in a week and transplant to the ground after they recover and grow some roots.
I attached a photo of the 3rd seedling.



Well-Known Member
So mold. Azamax. I'm on it.
I think i need more drainage holes as well.
There is a storm outside now with light rain. I think that's a disaster and will make the place wetter for more mold!!
I guess I can't be a good parent with work and grad school :(