Spider mites, please help, harvest now?


Well-Known Member
The mite eggs are on the fan leaves,again I dont think its a good idea to keep these fan leaves, just the ones with signs of mite eggs.
You waited to long to deal with and now they are out of hand.
Do you realy think when they hatch,they are gona stay off the buds?
If things are really out of control,I'd(when ready)would cut the buds off the stems and dry in a box,paper plate,ect...I wouldnt hang upside down with mite issues.


Well-Known Member
Well, my mite prob appears to certainly be gone, only dead buggaz around now. No sign of any life.

I started flush today with ph'ed tap water. My lady seems to be pretty unhappy, lots of dying foliage over the passed week, it doesn't seem to be normal end of flowering leaf death, though keep in my mind I don't know shit.

Perhaps spraying with the "dead red" has contributed to the increase in the last 2 days, crumbly quick dying leaves, remember that only 2-3 branches were affected by spider mites so I don't think its that, thanks for any input guys & gals

Hoocha pup



Well-Known Member
Well, my mite prob appears to certainly be gone, only dead buggaz around now. No sign of any life.

I started flush today with ph'ed tap water. My lady seems to be pretty unhappy, lots of dying foliage over the passed week, it doesn't seem to be normal end of flowering leaf death, though keep in my mind I don't know shit.

Perhaps spraying with the "dead red" has contributed to the increase in the last 2 days, crumbly quick dying leaves, remember that only 2-3 branches were affected by spider mites so I don't think its that, thanks for any input guys & gals

Hoocha pup
It's easy enough to kill the mites, but the eggs are quite resiliant. Many people find this out too late, and they're infested again. If you're not sure, maybe do another application. Perhaps something a little different, specificually for the eggs; I'm not familiar with the product you're using.



Well-Known Member
The mite eggs are on the fan leaves,again I dont think its a good idea to keep these fan leaves, just the ones with signs of mite eggs.
You waited to long to deal with and now they are out of hand.
Do you realy think when they hatch,they are gona stay off the buds?
If things are really out of control,I'd(when ready)would cut the buds off the stems and dry in a box,paper plate,ect...I wouldnt hang upside down with mite issues.
Thats why you should wash the fan leaves daily to remove the eggs.
The adults are killed by the soap spray not the eggs:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I took a spray bottle lined the bottom with dish soap and added a 1/4 vinagare and 3/4 water. sprayed at night and early morning 3 hours before lights came on and added a lot of lady bugs. I sprayed for 3 days and now the lady bugs are hungry and starting to leave.. GL..


Well-Known Member
I'll have a look later for eggs, all my leaves are dying in a hurry so there's probably none left for eggs to be on. I guess the idea is that the eggs hatch within 7 days and the residue is there waiting for them from the dead red.



Well-Known Member
just make sure that you keep them again the moment you see them again, because if those are the eggs that hatched you want to keep them before they mature and lay more eggs.


Well-Known Member
yeah I thought maybe you meant something like that, the ganja that good over there is it... you in amsterdam? I couldn't talk properley if I lived there either :)
What an issue!!! You cannot kill spider mites eggs...they have to hatch in order to kill the mites. Otherwise you are just spraying eggs and never solving your problem.

What I would have done was, flush your plants and harvested. What I currently see is that your plants are dying and the reason for that is too much "poison" which now you have to flush the nutrients and poison before you can harvest - it's worth a try.

Always expect your plants for spider mites and have a plan how to get rid of them if your babies infected. Neem oil is good or any edible solution for controlling pest.

One main reason for mites is due to a lack of ideal consistent temperature in the garden (72-78 degrees) and not inspecting under the leaves daily. Lower leaves should be cut and there should be good ventilation at the base of your plants (spider mites hate it).

Hope that helps.


Active Member
I've had problem's with mites in the past, Best solution i've found is to spray plants daily with safe spray (from canadian I think). If you get to harvest time and you still have a problem HANG them upside down in a dark cupboard and over the next two days you will see them all move to the highest point of the plant ie where you cut at the base....Here's the best bit, I now take a lighter and cremate the little sukkas!

Obviously prevention is better but if all else fails I know this works


Well-Known Member
I've had problem's with mites in the past, Best solution i've found is to spray plants daily with safe spray (from canadian I think). If you get to harvest time and you still have a problem HANG them upside down in a dark cupboard and over the next two days you will see them all move to the highest point of the plant ie where you cut at the base....Here's the best bit, I now take a lighter and cremate the little sukkas!

Obviously prevention is better but if all else fails I know this works
Ack! That's a bit much! How well does that really work?



Active Member
Honestly it does, On my second grow I got very lazy and had a large infestation, Spraying daily while eggs are visible and then for 4 days after was my solution, Had tried spraying less frequent to start but its a visious circle with these critters, All out attack is best!

I think the answer to my situation was dont get lazy!!



Active Member
Sorry, as for hang and burn theory, tried and tested my friend, Depending on how bad you got mite they head for the top, maybe because there is the fresh cut in the stem not sure, but its like a ball of mites untill my lighter comes out!



Well-Known Member
BB that's quite an idea, I sprayed again today, only signs of eggs at the moment.

thanks kittysecrets, if I harvest and there is still eggs on her than they will hatch and eat the bud during harvest/drying... wont they?

In say 9 days I wi cut her down, the current eggs should hatch soon and die of starvation hopefuly, anyone know how long they take to hatch?