Spider mites

Your right I’ve been up all night. I went out this morning and in two plants there all the way up to the top. All over the stems and leaves. I’m so devastated. Two plants it’s on the bottom. I’m going to get citric acid today and spray tonight and see what happens. But I think I’ll probably have to throw them away:spew:

I'd get fucked-up, bigtime , put some evocative tunes on and have a good f'ing cry.
Then........I'd feel like an asshole. In a few months you'll be right back up to speed.....that's one fuck of a learning lesson , still , condolences and crack-on !
I'd get fucked-up, bigtime , put some evocative tunes on and have a good f'ing cry.
Then........I'd feel like an asshole. In a few months you'll be right back up to speed.....that's one fuck of a learning lesson , still , condolences and crack-on !

So f'ing many " sticks in the eye " on this earthly plane...a f'ing given . Always told my kids , at a mature age , " Bend-over , get your money out and expect a " f'ing stick in the eye regularly " . Condolences once again , it's akin to losing a close friend ( and ya need the f'ing weed so ya don't have to bend-over ! ) . Watch their 6 .
She…. And I don’t have a better pic but I know there spider mites. I looked through the jewelers loop at x90 and it’s them.. lol little bastards.

She*... my bad lol

Those are aphids.

Look for ant trails around the garden area and for sure ant trails leading to the plant stalk. The ants protect and farm the aphids. There's usually always some aphids on my plants, but I don't worry about them too much unless I see a large outbreak of them. Check the bottoms of the leaves for aphid clusters, they'll start to form large colonies there. Sometimes, I see clusters of the winged aphids on the leaf stems, more so on the inner branches.

Spray with castile soap and water. You can usually knock quite a bit of them off with just a trigger sprayer, flip the leaf over and blast those fuckers off.

Don't forget about worms though. On my first large outdoor grow, I was so focused on aphids that I never battled the worms or even thought about them. They're incredibly destructive.

Keep us updated.

Good luck.
She*... my bad lol

Those are aphids.

Look for ant trails around the garden area and for sure ant trails leading to the plant stalk. The ants protect and farm the aphids. There's usually always some aphids on my plants, but I don't worry about them too much unless I see a large outbreak of them. Check the bottoms of the leaves for aphid clusters, they'll start to form large colonies there. Sometimes, I see clusters of the winged aphids on the leaf stems, more so on the inner branches.

Spray with castile soap and water. You can usually knock quite a bit of them off with just a trigger sprayer, flip the leaf over and blast those fuckers off.

Don't forget about worms though. On my first large outdoor grow, I was so focused on aphids that I never battled the worms or even thought about them. They're incredibly destructive.

Keep us updated.

Good luck.

I had to throw two of them away. I cried a little. Lol they had been so badly damaged. The leaves got brittle and the buds got so loose and they lost their gorgeous smell and stickiness. I still have two but one is looking like she’s struggling a bit. I read about rosemary and water and soap spray that I’m going to try tonight when the sun goes down.I read that it was safe to use up to two weeks before harvest. I hope it saves my two last babies. Have you heard of this spray and do you know if it will work?
Ah, that's too bad. Sorry to hear. lol. Are you sure it's all aphid damage? Anything else going on with the plant? What part of the country are you in?

I've heard of rosemary sprays, but I have not used them before. It would be interesting to know if anyone can chime in with experience using rosemary sprays while late in flower. Rosemary has a very strong, aromatic oil... hopefully it doesn't linger on the buds too long.

I've used a pyrethrin spray a bunch of times with good results. It's pretty potent contact killer.

Last year, a user on here actually convinced me to start using a water/rubbing alcohol/potassium bicarbonate/castile soap spray (especially late in flower) and so far so good.
I grow Moth Orchids Spider Mites use HAIR SPRAY ............. Molases 1/2 cup soap and oil two cups hot water rest cold water watering can kills insects ...
My plants have spider mites. I lost my plants last year to these little buggers. I sprayed with insecticidal soap and killed the buds. I hate this, every time in September I get these mites. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to safely get rid of these things. My brother said he sprayed his with Raid but I think that’s crazy. Any help would be appreciated.
Raid lol a couple of losers that I used to go to school with used to lace the weed they sold with that shit!
PureCrop1 is the best.
it’s organic. Odor free. Doesn’t burn your plants. You can use it in flower. As a soil drench. Safe for pets, people and so much more. I had an ongoing mite problem for a year. This crushed them.
Raid lol a couple of losers that I used to go to school with used to lace the weed they sold with that shit!
Yeah my brother got some laced weed when he was younger from some kids he went to school with and it Dam near killed him. He went into convulsions and was all fucked up for a bit.
I’m so paranoid about my kids getting laced weed that has fentanyl in it that’s why I grow my own and let them have it all cuz I barely smoke anymore. Why anyone would lace weed is beyond me.

As for the aphid issue I’ve had good luck with just a pump style water sprayer and blast them right off then make sure you do a wash before drying to get all the dead ones and their poop off the plants

hope she can salvage some of the plants. It’s sucks so bad to put in all that work to see it all be ruined at the end. I feel your pain. But don’t give up you just need to be more proactive next season.
an oz of prevention is worth a pound of cure.