Spider Mites


Active Member
I agree- Azamax is a great product- we alternate it with Mighty wash-- Azamax (5ml per quarts) wait 3 days, use the Mighty wash...wait 3 days, Azamax... get the airflow WAY up, the temps a bit low, and mist the plant peiodically with just water... it creates a hostile environment for the mites....

Using a Dr. Doom Mini-bomb in the room wouldn't hurt-- just set it off away from the plants- or remove the plant when you bomb... the lil SOB's lay their eggs on the plants- but they HIDE in walls, floors, fixtures etc.. and can go dormant for months until a new food supply and perfect environment for laying eggs comes back! ;) Good Luck!


i hate those lil bastards ...iv just spent hours in my room taking off infected leafs and found hundreds of orange coloured eggs ..and mites ,,iv had them in all my crops ,its ok iguess if u control em ryt like application every 3 days with sprays n shit ,but i got a bit lazy during this grow i think,,it was only few wks ago i put all plants in empty bath tub and showered em, (covering medium of course) then soaked full plants with HOUSE AND GARDEN ATTAC FORCE-- im 5wk flower now so gt nice colas coming 2gether and dnt wanna shower anymore..lol,,u gotta keep on top ov the lil fukers tho,,iv heard LIQUID LADYBUG supposed 2 be good shit but i need 2 get shipped as im in uk....Greeeen Peeace PEEEEPS :)

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member

hands down the best treatment for SM

I only use it in veg and through second week of flower.

One treatment problem solved.