Spider mitess! Helpppp!


Well-Known Member
No pest strips. I used them once during the biggest battle I ever had with spidermites. They didn't do squat. Well, they got rid of all the spiders in my basement, but spidermites? no. MAYBE in a closet or grow tent, but not in my big room. As for turning off ventilation in your grow room for 3 or 5 days, my temps would have been near 100 all that time. unless you are growing with a 26W flourescent you might as well set a match to your plants.


Well-Known Member
Lot's of folks have been hit by the BORG of insects, Spidermites and feel your pain. Surrender IS NOT an option. Fight the lil beaties to the very end. Lots of good tips in this thread and my personal method has worked for me.

Spider Mite Control

Spider mites SUCK! If you have them on one plant chances are they are on all of them. So very small and difficult to see unless you use a loupe or magnifier(at least for me anyways). I had one harvest *almost* get ruined by the critters and then I fought back with technology...and won! I did not want to use any chemicals on my ladies so close to harvest, and ended up using...STEAM!:fire:

Bought a Rowenta steamer from Bed Bath &Way Beyond and it worked like a charm! Best way is to do this somewhat *safely* is to water your plants, wait an hour and then hit the plants EVERYWHERE with the steam. You cannot concentrate the steam in any one area for too long or you'll cook the poor plant!:leaf: The neat thing about this is the temperature. The mites simply crumble and die as soon as the hot steam hits them! Again you HAVE to be careful or you'll cause more harm than good, but if you pay attention to what your doing, you can do this! After you have hit all areas thoroughly, let your ladies rest for 1-2 days then hit em again. The live mites die easily but the eggs may still hatch (nasty things). If you cannot control the mites after 3 steam treatments, you should abandon ship and chop em down, sorry.:sad: Good luck and let us know how you faired in this time of crisis. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Ohh, yea, I forgot your steam treatment! I even made a note to try that next time I get a chance. Forgot, stoner, oopsbongsmilie:lol:

But we linked the same thread! lol


thanks alot I think the steam idea is the best and most logical.

Im gna buy one and let you know how it goes

Thank you


Well-Known Member
thanks alot I think the steam idea is the best and most logical.

Im gna buy one and let you know how it goes

Thank you
One last solution I thought of all on my own never tried but guaranteed to work comments please fish tank put one plant in at a time seal with another piece of glass on top with blue tack before sealing light a couple of party candles now seal. The naked flame burns of the oxygen the candles go out after all oxygen is burnt the tank will become a vacuum for a short while the plant will continue to exhale carbon dioxide releasing the vacuum if left in there for 2 or 3 hours any oxygen breathing bugs will die of asphyxiation. Come on people what a plan let me know your thoughts


Well-Known Member
No pest strips. I used them once during the biggest battle I ever had with spidermites. They didn't do squat. Well, they got rid of all the spiders in my basement, but spidermites? no. MAYBE in a closet or grow tent, but not in my big room. As for turning off ventilation in your grow room for 3 or 5 days, my temps would have been near 100 all that time. unless you are growing with a 26W flourescent you might as well set a match to your plants.
The reason they didn't do squat is because you didn't have your ventalation off... SO the No Pest Strips didn't do shit because the "toxin" was getting blown right out of the grow room. Why do u think it killed all the spiders in your basement and not the spidermites??? Because your fans we're just blowing the toxin out of the grow room, (into the basement I'm assuming) so it COULDN'T kill the spidermites.

Raise your lights, or just put some CFL's around the plants or something not so hot in there for the 4 days while your ventalation is off when your using the no pest strip. And after that put it all back to normal, bright hot lights, good ventalation, ect. ect. and you'll be good!

You just have to think a little bit, that's all.

Worked fantastically for me!
:leaf: With Peace and LOVE -Hookd


Well-Known Member
You could go get glass cut to size so cheap silicone it all your yourself an air tight removable lid and bobs your uncle deoxygenised plants with no air breathing mites GOD I AM GOOD lol


loool yehh thats a good idea cool vibes, but i will try the steam then and the strips and then if im still loosing ill suffocate those bastards.


Well-Known Member

I grow in a LARGE space. I had twenty plants that were all 6 to 7 feet tall. CFLs. Sheesh.

Turn my ventilation off and use CFLs in the middle of summer. oh that would be wise. Idiot.

"You just have to think a little, that's all."

Fuck you junior.:hug:

The reason they didn't do squat is because you didn't have your ventalation off... SO the No Pest Strips didn't do shit because the "toxin" was getting blown right out of the grow room. Why do u think it killed all the spiders in your basement and not the spidermites??? Because your fans we're just blowing the toxin out of the grow room, (into the basement I'm assuming) so it COULDN'T kill the spidermites.

Raise your lights, or just put some CFL's around the plants or something not so hot in there for the 4 days while your ventalation is off when your using the no pest strip. And after that put it all back to normal, bright hot lights, good ventalation, ect. ect. and you'll be good!

You just have to think a little bit, that's all.

Worked fantastically for me!
:leaf: With Peace and LOVE -Hookd


Well-Known Member
loool yehh thats a good idea cool vibes, but i will try the steam then and the strips and then if im still loosing ill suffocate those bastards.
my god video it for you tube we will become stars Mite suffocaters The MS squad mite become the next best thing todo invented by a stoner lol


Well-Known Member
lack of O2 or high CO2 levels WON'T kill eggs... extremely high temps for an instant cooks the eggs and mites alike. Just be careful and make sure you move the steam wand slowly from left to right at about 1-2 second count, then move to another area. I usually hit the tops first and work my way down and finish by steaming the top layer of soil (I assume you have a dirt grow) That way if any beasties manged to fall off and not die, you catch em at the end. Also, if you have webbing make sure you hit the webs good too as they use it to protect themselves! I have'nt seen mites in over a year now, no chemicals needed. :)


thanks very much mac, yeh im in soil.

I just ordered my wand hopefully shud get it by monday as I cant see any stores near me that sell it


I meant to ask a very important Q!

What on earth can I do to clean my grow room, I mean its a 2metre by 2 metre room and its gna need cleaning to get ridve any pests in there too?

How and with what should I do this with?

Nuclear waste? Vinegar? Hydrochloric acid? set the place on fire lol?

Thank you