spidermite aftermath need help imediatly!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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i am in the third week of flowering and i noticed the mites on the second day of flowering i have bathed the plants neem oiled them one good time and have used the no shot pest strip for ten days now i dont see anymore little devil bastards but my plants from 2 foot down are gone all leafs begin to turn yellow with all kinds of dark brown spots i cant believe the amount of damage these plants have sustained all buds are still growing they look and smell great and the upper half of the plants look great with the exception of a few older fan leafs which are still green but riddled with brown spots every day a grocery bag worth of leafs fall off please help


Well-Known Member
As long as the mites are gone, all you can really do is make sure everything else is correct, like PH, feeding/watering schedule, environment, etc....and let Mother Nature do her thing. The mite damage is already done, you can do anything about that.


yeah i checked them today and all looks okay only lost 10 leafs today buds are growing i was just wondering if this also looked like a defficiency or somthing this also just started as i went into flowering but my ph and ec is good for sure