Spidermite spray causing more damage than good, what's next?

20150415_120435[1].jpg 20150415_120509[1].jpg 20150415_120451[1].jpg Hello, How are you? Sorry to bother.

I am at the end of my ropes. I am literally about to throw in the towel on this growing thing because for the last year and a half.... nearly every single plant I have either becomes infested with spidermites and dies, no matter how hard I try to get them off of it.... or the plant dies due to the actual spider mite spray.

It happens so quick, it amazes me. These plants were full giant bushes a week ago, and now nearly half of their veg is gone, and the other half of leaves are now dying off with it, in the matter of 2 days.

I've washed every single plant I have, but a few are still dying, it has to be the spidermite spray as that's the only thing I've put on them in the last few days.. The first time I sprayed it caused one of my plants these exact same problems, I saved it by washing its leaves. Today I did the same to this other giant plant of mine, and it looks like its not going to make it at the rate it's leaves are dying.

My question is, if the fucking spray does more damage than good, and I can't seem to ever get rid of spidermites for longer than a month? WTF do I do? I'm all ears. This is enough to make me want to throw in the towel, you wait 6 months for a giant plant to be ready to flower, and it dies on you in less than a week.

I'm using "No Spider Mites" Spray, just sprayed it once generously, as directed on the back of the bottle. Nearly every time I use this spray, I see some leaf damage on the plants used it on, typically the plants that I feel are sicklier than others.
View attachment 3396078 View attachment 3396082 View attachment 3396081 Hello, How are you? Sorry to bother.

I am at the end of my ropes. I am literally about to throw in the towel on this growing thing because for the last year and a half.... nearly every single plant I have either becomes infested with spidermites and dies, no matter how hard I try to get them off of it.... or the plant dies due to the actual spider mite spray.

It happens so quick, it amazes me. These plants were full giant bushes a week ago, and now nearly half of their veg is gone, and the other half of leaves are now dying off with it, in the matter of 2 days.

I've washed every single plant I have, but a few are still dying, it has to be the spidermite spray as that's the only thing I've put on them in the last few days.. The first time I sprayed it caused one of my plants these exact same problems, I saved it by washing its leaves. Today I did the same to this other giant plant of mine, and it looks like its not going to make it at the rate it's leaves are dying.

My question is, if the fucking spray does more damage than good, and I can't seem to ever get rid of spidermites for longer than a month? WTF do I do? I'm all ears. This is enough to make me want to throw in the towel, you wait 6 months for a giant plant to be ready to flower, and it dies on you in less than a week.
What kind of spray are you using?
Thank you both for your responses.

No spider mites spray is the spray I am currently using, and Old stage green cleaner, never heard of it. Is it just another Rosemary/Cintronella based spray? If its better and holds them off longer and makes sure to kill all eggs/adults without causing leaf problems, I'm sold.

No matter what, the mites always seemed to come back. No matter how hard I try. They will be gone, clean, growing perfect for months, then bam, here they are again.

If I constantly have spidermites... and can't keep them away for longer than a month, how will I ever flower a plant?

I need more than just a recommendation on a spray please, I need a complete method of eradicating these things so they never come back, I'm done with them.

Would Beneficial mites or lady bugs me a better preventative than say Hot Shot no pest strips (yea I know Mr. Hades, Carcinogens). I need a way to make sure these things never come back, no matter how hard they try. Thanks.

I'm almost to the point of calling in a professional exterminator to check everything around my house for mites and to figure out where this problem is coming from.

The mites originally showed up after a crappy clone from a crappy dispensary. lol. They shouldn't be on any plants outside my windows, s oI don't understand why they continue to come back, when I spray month after month, and completely sterilize my garden spaces with steamers and clorox. It's so frustrating because I spend hours cleaning every lil Millimeter of my grow tents, only to have the lil bastards come back again?

and half the time, the preventative sprays do more damage than good. How can I combat all the horrible leaf problems that these sprays inevitably bring to the table?
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Ive never had mite spray do what your showing. Green cleaner is good, mighty wash is good, nukem is good. If you really want to be rid of those bugs then you have to stay on them every three days and it helps to alternate. I thought it was useless to try and get rid of them until i was spraying for a different kind of pest repetedly and i accidentally killed all the mites. Vent your frustration on your plants. Make sure your spraying the top of the soil and the stem of the plant. Also spray the ground and the walls with bleach solution. Im really hoping that the mites caused you to take off all the lower branches because theres no way for that plant to stay healthy with the lack of leaves on it.
Ive never had mite spray do what your showing. Green cleaner is good, mighty wash is good, nukem is good. If you really want to be rid of those bugs then you have to stay on them every three days. Vent your frustration on your plants. Make sure your spraying the top of the soil and the stem of the plant. Im really hoping that the mites caused you to take off all the lower branches because theres no way for that plant to stay healthy with the lack of leaves on it.

yea what this guy said (also mighty wash is easy just add an spray with lights off)
heavy mix of spinosad works well. So does mighty wash, green cleaner, pure nutrient 3way. The best attack is a multi-pronged one. Use different sprays and in rotation. Its every other day with something different for 3-4 weeks to make sure your clean. Once clean you want to stay on top of treating all veggers and early flowering once a week.

BTW The spinosad will kill the mites but you have to mix a bit heavier than recommended. To prevent leaf damage rinse the leaves 30min after spraying. If you are using ecosmart for mites stop. That shit kills plants.
No spider mites, and Old stage green cleaner, never heard of it. Is it just another Rosemary/Cintronella based spray?

No matter what, the mites always seemed to come back. No matter how hard I try. They will be gone, clean, growing perfect for months, then bam, here they are again.

If I constantly have spidermites... and can't keep them away for longer than a month, how will I ever flower a plant?

I need more than just a recommendation on a spray please, I need a complete method of eradicating these things so they never come back, I'm done with them.

Would Beneficial mites or lady bugs me a better preventative than say Hot Shot no pest strips (yea I know Mr. Hades, Carcinogens). I need a way to make sure these things never come back, no matter how hard they try. Thanks.

I'm almost to the point of calling in a professional exterminator to check everything around my house for mites and to figure out where this problem is coming from.

The mites originally showed up after a crappy clone from a crappy dispensary. lol. They shouldn't be on any plants outside my windows, s oI don't understand why they continue to come back, when I spray month after month, and completely sterilize my garden spaces with steamers and clorox. It's so frustrating because I spend hours cleaning every lil Millimeter of my grow tents, only to have the lil bastards come back again?

and half the time, the preventative sprays do more damage than good. How can I combat all the horrible leaf problems that these sprays inevitably bring to the table?
No its not a herbal spray, no you didnt grt rid of your mites if they came back, and the reason they came back is because you werent preventatively spraying. If you have a problem with them and you think youve cured it chances are your wrong in most cases. So preventitive spraying is the answer. Once a week spray for them for a month and chances are good theyll be gone for good. Then when your done the grow bleach everything out and make sure youve gotten the clones or starts free of bugs before they go in. Persistsnce man.
Alright. Well I have been preventative spraying. these plants have been sprayed so many times. All of the leaf damage, is from the spray, not the mites. All the bottom foliage was removed because it was literally hanging there dead after 3 days. I've washed the leaves off, and I am hoping that slows down the rapid death of all the leaves on that plant, but I am honestly about to pull the plug on that single plant.

I think you guys caught the gist that I wasn't spraying these plants every week for the last 3 months. I've sprayed them every single week religiously for the last 3 months, only to have my lower vegetation completely die off from the spray, and to have spider mites come back and cover leaves with webbing.

I can try 3 products, but I really hope I don't spend tons of money on 3 different products that do the exact same thing, kill my leaves and not take care of the problem.
I have 9 plants at the moment, 4 of which are showing major leaf damage from the spray. The spray kills the plants quicker than the mites do.

I don't know if the answer to that is 3x more spray, and multiple different kinds. I kind of feel like that will make the problem worse. Which 3(lol) of these sprays is the least likely to kill off the crop yet still kill all the mites?

Im sorry but "BTW The spinosad will kill the mites but you have to mix a bit heavier than recommended. To prevent leaf damage rinse the leaves 30min after spraying. If you are using ecosmart for mites stop. That shit kills plants" sounds like its more trouble than its worth
Alright. Well I have been preventative spraying. these plants have been sprayed so many times. All of the leaf damage, is from the spray, not the mites. All the bottom foliage was removed because it was literally hanging there dead after 3 days. I've washed the leaves off, and I am hoping that slows down the rapid death of all the leaves on that plant, but I am honestly about to pull the plug on that single plant.

I think you guys caught the gist that I wasn't spraying these plants every week for the last 3 months. I've sprayed them every single week religiously for the last 3 months, only to have my lower vegetation completely die off from the spray, and to have spider mites come back and cover leaves with webbing.

I can try 3 products, but I really hope I don't spend tons of money on 3 different products that do the exact same thing, kill my leaves and not take care of the problem.

What product are you using then? I was saying the ecosmart product kills plants not spinosad... so which product are you using
I have 9 plants at the moment, 4 of which are showing major leaf damage from the spray. The spray kills the plants quicker than the mites do.

I don't know if the answer to that is 3x more spray, and multiple different kinds. I kind of feel like that will make the problem worse. Which 3(lol) of these sprays is the least likely to kill off the crop yet still kill all the mites?

Im sorry but "BTW The spinosad will kill the mites but you have to mix a bit heavier than recommended. To prevent leaf damage rinse the leaves 30min after spraying. If you are using ecosmart for mites stop. That shit kills plants" sounds like its more trouble than its worth

Chances are you are using the wrong product. I clarified my statement in the post above about spinosad. Ecosmart contains rosemary oil and it hurts plants. Just ask @BobBitchen
Mites are fairly easy to get rid of. Its root aphids you should be frightened of .. LOL
haha, Oh god no, *knocks on wood*. No more bugs! :P

Spinosad, plus the few others. I'm completely willing to try anything really, as long as you guys can vouch that it won't do the same as "No Spidermites" Spray, which is a cintronella/rosemary base. If it's the rosemary, then I will willingly get rid of this for something else, as I've heard these sprays are picky and people have had burnt leaves from them many times before.

I like the idea of attacking from multiple angles with multiple products, I think that probably would take care of my issues.

Now the question is, what 3 products would be the easiest on my plants and the most productive? What spray won't slaughter my leaves haha.

I'm not going to lie, my hands are tied at the moment, I need some help from anyone thats done it in the past, and you guys are definitely it.

"No Spidermites" Spray has really eaten up the leaves of my plants, is that the rosemary?

Alright - so I guess the true title of the thread is this: What mixture of Spidermite sprays would be the best at removing/preventing spidermites from coming back, while causing the least amount of damage to leaves or the plant in general as possible

I kind of feel like the "No spider mite" Spray has lost its touch, like they aren't bothered by it anymore. I was under the impression that the mucus like spray drowned them... am I wrong in thinking there? How do they build up an immunity to drowning haha.

Maybe my whole problem is the rosemary spray instead of the damn bugs, I got the wrong product maybe.
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haha, Oh god no, *knocks on wood*. No more bugs! :P

Spinosad, plus the few others. I'm completely willing to try anything really, as long as you guys can vouch that it won't do the same as "No Spidermites" Spray, which is a cintronella/rosemary base. If it's the rosemary, then I will willingly get rid of this for something else, as I've heard these sprays are picky and people have had burnt leaves from them many times before.

I like the idea of attacking from multiple angles with multiple products, I think that probably would take care of my issues.

Now the question is, what 3 products would be the easiest on my plants and the most productive? What spray won't slaughter my leaves haha.

Its the rosemary. Ecosmart makes a mite product but all it does is suffocate the plant... It is rosemary based. Looks like what you have going on. You should always test a spray on a smaller area and see what the results are before nuking a plant with it. Just FYI for the future. Using several products is what works. Imo even hosing them off outside holding them upside down works. Spray the mites right off and then treat them with mighty wash. Two days later green clean, two days later heavy spinosad with a rinse.. maybe even a fourth product and rotate them.
I've found most of the sprays I've used- and I've used EVERY available product over a 3 year period- most will cause some leaf issues. I fought them over 12 crops, and they'd always show up by the 2nd week of flowering NO MATTER WHAT I USED. They might have been reduced for a while, but they always fought back with a vengence. I've tried Mighty Wash, Avid, Floramite, SNS217, Liquid Ladybug, Green Clean, Safer Insect Soap, NO Pest Strips, Neem Oil, hot pepper sprays, Predatory wasps and lady bugs, pyrethin sprays and on and on and on. For 3 years I was hurting my plants, and the bugs kept coming back and coming back and coming back. If it's on the market, I've tried it.

So, now.......I'll give you my mite expert recommendation to finally eliminate your issues FOR GOOD, and you can thank me later when the problem is gone:

Follow exactly: Buy Azamax and Monterey Inspect Spray. The Azamax is a slow killer that stops the bugs from eating, laying eggs, growing properly and generally disrupts their life cycle. The Monterey spray has spinosad in it, which is very effective for the short term. Mix 4 teaspoons of the Azamax with 4 tablespoons of the Monterey in a gallon sprayer and spray the shit out of the plants- you must spray every inch of the plant along with the top of the soil. I spray the floor and outside of my pots too. Water the plants well a few hours before the spraying (THIS GREATLY HELPS REDUCE ANY NEGATIVE EFFECT OF THE SPRAY ON THE PLANTS). Spray when the lights go off, but let the plants COOL down for 10-15 minutes in the dark before beginning to spray. Do not turn the lights on for at least 4 hours after spraying, but the longer they are off the better. Spray once a week for 3 weeks in a row.

Wear gloves, glasses and a mask and clothes from head to toe. Azamax is not healthy for humans and must be wash off if touched. I always shower immediately after spraying and wash all the clothes too. The effectiveness of the procedure only works properly if you spray every inch of the plants. There is no need to over-spray, just make sure you do a thorough job-it's very important!!!!!!! The Azamax can also be used as a systemic (kills from the inside out of the plant) so it can also be applied thru a drench in the soil. Spray the plant and drench the soil too, why not be safe. It will also help with other insects, i.e. gnats, ants, etc.

There are also many kinds of spider mites, and some are heartier than others. The above products will work on all kinds of mites that love marijuana. I also want to specifically mention Mighty Wash, which many people swear by. I wasn't happy with it, it seemed to work for a while but the mites came back again and again. My suggestion is the only thing that worked FOR ME.... and I'm sure if done correctly, it will work for you too.

Good luck......
THis guy ^^^ has a great suggestion. Azamax will fight them off too. ... also... you see he mentioned spinosad? Montery garden insect spray is the shit. LOL. Ive wiped out infestations with just this.
Hey, shit, alright guys. Thank you both, I was seriously starting to feel like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. It looks like my method wasn't extreme enough and that I have a bad spray.

SSHZ - thanks for the write up dude that's great info.

Some guy - What do you think about SSHZ's comment?
U both fucking rock I'm not going to lie. Thank you, I will use this method that you both have laid out for me. I promise to report back :). Thank you so much for your help in regards to the rosemary based products and getting rid of mites. You guys seriously have made my day.

Azamax+Monterey Spray (Spinosad spray). Got it.

Hey, shit, alright guys. Thank you both, I was seriously starting to feel like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. It looks like my method wasn't extreme enough and that I have a bad spray.

SSHZ - thanks for the write up dude that's great info.

Some guy - What do you think about SSHZ's comment?

I posted above.. ;-)