spidermites on roots

i have a dwc grow going on and i noticed spidermites are starting to appear. They haven't reached the actual plant, they are just around the grow. When i decided to look at the roots i noticed that they are there feed off of the roots. Are there any solutions to getting the spidermites off the roots? (the plants haven't showed any signs of wilting YET)

i checked the roots of my other plants and it seems like they are starting to reproduced a SHIT LOAD. im getting scared because i have a feeling that this could lead to a big problem. They are starting to go all over my roots. any help or advice to get rid of these?
yeah sorry after doing my research they are root aphids. So i've been reading about some solutions to my problem. so my choices are Ortho Max "Bug B Gone" or Azamax? Neem?. which one is preferred for a DWC and easy to use?
yes they still are in veg. 3 weeks in so far. how much is bug b gone and my local hydro store should have it? cause i believe i need to take care of this problem before it escalates into a bigger problem. what about azamax? i've been reading a lot about azamax and good things about it. which one is cheaper? sorry as i am a poor college student! Thanks metasynth for helping out. Also one last question. since i've just discovered these bugs and haven't seen any wilting on my plants. how long do i have? I have noticed that growth has slowed down and it's most likely due to the root aphids.


Well-Known Member
Home Depot should have Bug B Gone, cheap, like 10-15 bucks probably...You're in Veg, Bug B Gone will take care of them, it's systemic and remains in the plant for 60 days...its poison though, so don't be using it within 60 days of harvest...But since you're in veg, it's fine. The azamax might control them a little, but you'll probably still have to battle them on a regular basis, just on a smaller scale...The Bug B Gone will solve the problem. I think you're cool for a couple days, as long as they'e not wilting and the infestation isn't too bad...But if you noticed them OUTIDE the root area, you probably wanna take care of it as soon as possible...And for the health of you plants, you wanna take care of it ASAP as well.
alright sounds good metasynth..first thing tomorrow will be to go to home depot and get the bug b gone. I have a 4 gallon res. do you know the application ratio? do i mix it with the nutrient water i have running right now? make a new mix with nutrient and bug b gone? or do i mix the bug b gone with water? how long do i let it run? sorry for asking all these questions. I want to plan what im going to do as i will be super busy tomorrow studying too.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I don't know the mix ratio....I'd actually spray the roots down with the solution first to stop 'em before the do any more harm, and then probably mix a little into the nutrient solution...Google that shit, I'm sure someone has the answers you're looking for
found this
Ortho Max "Bug B Gone"- Finally!!! Success!! Having done my bit to stay organic as much as possible with the pesticides and it not working, I decided to the nuclear option. It worked. 2 nights ago I applied it to the nutrient solution at a rate of 3 ml/gallon and dunked each cube in the mild, ph adjusted nutrient solution and replaced them back onto their growing tray. It appeared to work somewhat well, but didn't appear to eradicate them entirely. At this point, I decided to add Ortho Max at a rate of 6 ml/gallon to their regular nutrient solution, flooded the tray, and when I checked back the next day, TOTAL DEVASTATION. I will continue using it for another few days in case any of their eggs haven't been killed yet, then do a flush and replacement of new nutrient solution. This method so far has been the only thing that's worked, and will be the only method I use in the future if I'm so unlucky as to have to deal with those little fuckers again. Be aware though the product is systemic for 6 weeks and should only be used if your plants are still in the vegetative phase or they have longer than 6 weeks of flowering to go. You don't want to be ingesting poison, so this is not to be taken lightly.

i'll definitely give this a try. THANKS METASYNTH . you definitely helped a brother out. i appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
found this
Ortho Max "Bug B Gone"- Finally!!! Success!! Having done my bit to stay organic as much as possible with the pesticides and it not working, I decided to the nuclear option. It worked. 2 nights ago I applied it to the nutrient solution at a rate of 3 ml/gallon and dunked each cube in the mild, ph adjusted nutrient solution and replaced them back onto their growing tray. It appeared to work somewhat well, but didn't appear to eradicate them entirely. At this point, I decided to add Ortho Max at a rate of 6 ml/gallon to their regular nutrient solution, flooded the tray, and when I checked back the next day, TOTAL DEVASTATION. I will continue using it for another few days in case any of their eggs haven't been killed yet, then do a flush and replacement of new nutrient solution. This method so far has been the only thing that's worked, and will be the only method I use in the future if I'm so unlucky as to have to deal with those little fuckers again. Be aware though the product is systemic for 6 weeks and should only be used if your plants are still in the vegetative phase or they have longer than 6 weeks of flowering to go. You don't want to be ingesting poison, so this is not to be taken lightly.

i'll definitely give this a try. THANKS METASYNTH . you definitely helped a brother out. i appreciate it.
Right on! Glad to help, glad you found that other post too...6 weeks isn't as bad as 60 days, but I'm hesitant about using ANY poison around something I'm ingesting...Give those buggies hell!
alright so i have bug b gon. I was wondering what ratios do people use with dwc (should i try the 6ml/gallon or less)? I read somewhere on here saying that i should "dip" or submerge my plants in a solution of bug b gon and water to fully get the roots. Also put some bug be gone in my solution that i have running right now. I plan to make another new solution and switch out the old one (with bug b gon) after 24-48 hours after applying the bug b gon. Does this sound like a good set plan?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, sounds good to me...Not sure if I'd want the roots sitting in the solution for a whole week, but dipping the roots and net pots seems like it could be a good route to go. Judging from that other guys post, I'd say around 5ml/gallon maybe?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I work afternoons, and yesterday was my day off...you just caught me before I leave for work today. Let me know how it works out for ya!
well the bug b gon killed the shit out of the aphids!. I added 15ml to the res and saw it foaming reaching up into the roots/hydroton so that was good. The plants never wilted or show any signs of stress either. i'm completely shocked about how well they are taking it. i dunked the plants into a 1 gallon with 6ml of solution . I saw ALL the EGGS and a shit load of aphids floating around. glad i took care of this problem before it got any worse. I have a couple questions. What do i do about the dead aphids on the roots? won't they rot and cause harm to the roots? Also I see lots of eggs on the hydroton. I dunked the plants very well and lightly swirled them around to get the aphids off. the eggs lifted up to the top and stay on the hydroton . should i ddunk again tomorrow? will they hatch? thanks!


Well-Known Member
Haha, I know it seems like I'm always on here when you post, but...well...I guess I am....lol...Glad to hear you kicked the shit outta those bugs...can you get a cheap pump sprayer and spray the roots with just water to try to get the dead bugs off? And the hydroton, with the eggs....can you pour water through the top and sorta flush them out the bottom? Once again, glad to see that shit worked so well!
definitely sounds like a good plan. i'll try it out tomorrow. When i change the res, do you recommend that i flush out the plants with plain water for a little or go directly to my nutrient solution? metasynth YOU ARE THE MAN. you've literally helped me through my first ordeal although i was expecting something like this to happen. Thanks for the support.


Well-Known Member
Haha, no problem...I would just go back to your nutrient mix, maybe mix it up at 3/4 strength in case the plants were stressed and stunted a few days...Yeah, it's just funny that I've been online every time you've posted...Glad to be of service!