

ok i got three little one that a buddy gave me chuck full of spider mites i sprayed them down with dish soap and and i think that the one application of that may have killed them but i still see an egg r 2 are those eggs still alive ? they look wrinkley to me i dont think i wanna spray em a whole lot with the soap

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Spray and wash them every other day for three spray/washes and then look for survivors. Repeat if needed.
Those buggers are a PITA to get rid of them.


Well-Known Member
ok i got three little one that a buddy gave me chuck full of spider mites i sprayed them down with dish soap and and i think that the one application of that may have killed them but i still see an egg r 2 are those eggs still alive ? they look wrinkley to me i dont think i wanna spray em a whole lot with the soap
It may take up to three applications to rid the plants of them.


i got those bastards living on my stash about 4 months ago. luckily i caught it early... after FIVE app's it all cleaned up very nicely. letme know how you get on bro!!! ozzz


well i sprayed em with water a coupla more times brought em in last nite and looked again and none not even an egg so ill bring em in and start getting themset up . the wife and i just started a hydro store and we're tapped out on funds so its gonna be as cheap as we can get i want a hydro setup and lighting is still a problem also we're gonna be at the up state fair so we'll get lots of exposer