Well-Known Member
I am now on my 2nd day after my 2nd application of Monterey LG6332 Bacillus Thuringiensis (B.t.) Worm & Caterpillar Killer Insecticide/Pesticide Treatment Concentrate, 16 oz from Amazon only $14.64 for a pint, all ready to mix (no bits to make tea).
I am happy to report that after finding at least 30 new flying gnats 2 days ago, this morning I found only 2 new flying gnats caught outside the nets (in the tent), and no new gnats in the nets (hatched from the pots). It appears the B.T. treatment is definitely the way to go.
BT-k is for Lepidoptera, like moth and armyworm larva.
BT-i is for Diptera , fly and mosquito larva
It does have a marginal effect on reproduction, but only weakens them if I recall correctly.