Spliff seeds


Active Member
Hi all,
my englisch is not verry well.(sorry for that)
I'm from Holland.
i start a new xxx?(don't know the word)
I have seeds from spliff seeds.
A dutch company they have new female seeds.

I start with 10x bubblegum and 10x white widow.
WW spliff.jpgBubblegum_99_9_female_seeds.jpg
I get these seeds 2 day's ago and start directly with xxx?(don't know the word)
in 23 hours the seeds came al out.

I put theme in a coco's sproudpad.
Light theme for 3 day's under 2x18 watt. light.

After that i send theme to a secret jardin dr100 and they get 400 hps lamp on these heads.

al the sprouds come into a 11 liter filled with coco's
For nutrience: i give theme 100% biologic stuff from NO MERCY also a dutch product what's verry good for plants.
just need 3 bottles
-sweet jane 1: for the 4 first weeks
-sweet jane 2: for the last 4 weeks
-the hole way i give them also guano liquid.

after a few day's i start under 400 hps lamp for 1 week growing....

enjoy this thread....greets DUTCHGROWER


Well-Known Member
this is great i am always interested to see how the dutch do it. it does not matter if your english is not 100%. pictures are worth 1000 words. please keep posting and showing us your grow (was this the word your were looking for?)


Active Member
@lostOweed: those are some fat tap roots?? sorry man....don't understand...i think you mean what it is?

It calls SPROUDPADS , they are 0,5 cm high and round.
Put theme in water and they get long and thik. sort of tape looks like filled witch coco's.

i can send it to you iff you want some....


Active Member
Hi all.
After 4 days:..........

na 4 dagen.jpg

P1010003.jpgP1010002.jpgP1010005.jpgPA230008.jpgPA230006.jpgPA230007.jpg PA230009.jpg
and here they are....on 11 liters (or how to call in america.....)

They get stimulator and a PH 5,6.....
stay 1 week under 400 watts lights with a adjust a wings above theme on 18 hours light.

after that we will see..........


Active Member
You should lower the lights a bit, those babies are stretching badly
No....i don't thinks so.....they are stay there for just 2 day's, stretching is no probleme mate.....after 5 day's we go lower....

@ Clarke28: thank you

white widow:



Active Member
Hi, after 9 day's vegative.....the lady's are ready to go........

The firts day's they have to warm 29,8C but that done after 2 day's
The day's after they enjoy the water (100 ml) with stimulator for....(don't know the word)
after 5 day's i give theme FISHMIX ad they realy like that....you see it the next day, and there where happy with that.
See picture and enjoy.
Up to the first week (grow??)don't know the word!! sorry....

The first 2 day's

about 5 day's......



Active Member
AND THE BUBBLEGUM (sorry for dubbelposting)
The first day's

Half this week.........

and fresh pictures from yesterday......
Greets Dutchgrower


Active Member
the first week on 12/12
Temperature lamp on 26,8 gr. lamp out 21,8 (on 78F off 71,5F)
Humad. lamp on 45% en lamp out 55%

They get 1 day 100% BIOLOGIC roots.... After 1 day they get nothing...so 1 day YES and 1 day NO
They are growing hard...make new leaves and thik. see pictures (cannot explane)
Pictures from this week

The first days
Half this week...

end of the week...........

Greets, sorry i don't know many words,but pictures say's more than text


Active Member
The White widows
The first week on 12/12 (don't know the word)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
temperature 26,3 gr. lamp on, en 21,5 graden lamp out.
Hum. lamp on 45% lamp out 55-59%.

First day's
Lamp out.............
Half this week.....
End of this week....

Sorry about dubble posting


Active Member
