Spliffs: Who Smokes Em?

Ego Fum Papa

Active Member
I pretty much always prefer to smoke a spliff over a regular joint, or even any glass piece. I know that in most people's opinion mixing tobacco with weed is one of the worst things you can do. I think just a little tobacco mixed in a joint, so the taste of the weed is still the prevalent taste, makes a perfectly smooth evenly burning smoke. Anyone else agree? I know a shit ton of you disagree.
It is a european thing...but I find it's the way I like it. Better taste, you don't have to light the damn thing every 2 seconds, and you use less weed etc etc. Each to their own.
spliffs are brittish slang for tobbacco + ganja rolled up but ill call a normal joint anything form joint j spliff fatty hooter pinner stubby
yeah, its definately a british thing, there was an american kid went to my high school, we got him some weed and he just rolled it all up in one, we didnt quite understand why at the time, but i am guessing it has something to do with weed working out cheper over in the states i dont know all i know is i like to smoke a pure j now and then, but i can only do that around harvest time.
we used to mix tobbacco with blunts for parties so we dint waste a buncha weed on the ppl that just wanted to puff on it and not throw down (Party Blunt)
we used to mix tobbacco with blunts for parties so we dint waste a buncha weed on the ppl that just wanted to puff on it and not throw down (Party Blunt)

Alright i might be calling it the wrong thing then because here we call a blunt a spliff the mixing of the tobacco is the tobacco leaf.If a spliff is something you mix with ciggarette tobacco and not just the leaf then no i dont smoke spliffs i smoke blunts.
I went all over Europe a few years ago and that was all anybody smoked over there. They all looked at me crazy as hell when I put only weed in a joint. They even mixed tobacco and weed together and took bong hits of it when I was in Switzerland. That shit was the worst, made me dizzy and throw up.
So, no I am not a fan of weed and tobacco mixed together in a spliff. Mixing tobacco an hash makes sense, because the hash won't burn by itself, but it's still pretty harsh.
I had a buddy from the UK and he smoked like that and I didnt mind cuz it was his weed. I smoke blunts quite often now and that is probably the next closest thing.
I've got a friend who only smokes spliffs when he is rolling something up; never a straight joint. I took a road trip with him a bit ago, and I've got to say that for traveling, spliffs do keep the smell to a minimum when boxing a car.
I smoke chop. Chop is weed an tobbacco choped up into sand size pieces. Use 85% weed an 15% tobbacco an chop it with a chef knife. And i smoke it out of a bamboo bong with a speical bowl. Get me really Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
I smoke chop. Chop is weed an tobbacco choped up into sand size pieces. Use 85% weed an 15% tobbacco an chop it with a chef knife. And i smoke it out of a bamboo bong with a speical bowl. Get me really Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

No offense, hombre, but that sounds disgusting. Tobacco never touches my tube.