Split the Grow Tip without Cutting Worth the Shock


Well-Known Member
Two out of ten lived , you don't want to tell us how you did this , so what is the purpose of this thread ? Why slow growth to get a weird looking plant when you can let it grow big and get more bud ? Your plant looks different but I see no benifit from it.


Active Member
id say let em grow a little more before toping or pinching or LST .. u mite of ended up with bigger plants by now. and a better harvest all around. i did the same thing to 4 of my 20 plants.. and the ones i thought to top right away.. thinking they would grow 2 shoots faster .. but ended up stunting the growth of the plant because of the fact that i topped it and left it in a cup. when u top the plant .. it has a growth spurt underground.. so if u would transplant before toppping u will see better results.!!!


Active Member
speaking from experience.. i have 9 5 footers.. that have like 4 colas.. and the side branches are just as big cause of how much topping and super cropping.. probably goin to pull 4 zips of primo nugs a plant.. and the 4 smaller ones i did like u . and im not going to get even half that.


Active Member
speaking from experience.. i have 9 5 footers.. that have like 4 colas.. and the side branches are just as big cause of how much topping and super cropping.. probably goin to pull 4 zips of primo nugs a plant.. and the 4 smaller ones i did like u . and im not going to get even half that.
In high temperature and moderate light conditions, the plant's stems elongate. Strong light and low temperature conditions will decrease stem elongation.