
Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I've just got the creature creator, but I told my 11 year old that she can have it if her first report card is acceptable.


Well-Known Member
yeah i've been to newegg before. ill probably get one off of there. what do you have in your pc?

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Spore is a game that is made by the creator of Sims.

You start the game as a single celled organism kinda, and you go around eating things and growing bigger. You get dna points from eating the other critters and you end up picking up the option to use certain traits from the other animals. When you choose, you mate and go to a screen that lets you "evolve" which to be honest just lets you make a critter from the parts, you could make an entirely different critter if you wanted, but it is still fun. At some point, your playstyle really determines what traits you begin to have access to. Like for me I went carnivore and am attacking and killing other creatures, whereas you could be nice and become allies with groups, and you could be an herbivore or omnivore. At this point in the game you are still 3rd person format, but when you move to tribal stage it becomes more like a RTS game. I haven't been any further into the game since then and I know you go from being a tribe to an actual civilization and then to even space. It was funny because while I was out hunting critters to extinction, a spaceship showed up and went around doing shit for a while. Was cool to get a taste of what to look forward to.

But the concept of the game is fantastic and thusfar I don't have any complaints. You can play it multiple times with different types of critters and methods, and the critters you go up against are in some cases critters created by someone else. The game seems to get exponentially more complex and intricate per evolution, so who knows what it will be later on. I don't want to rush it. =)

Flying rules btw


Well-Known Member
man i dig it my favorite part is when your a cell but i have made it to tribal society so far i stayed in creature mode lomng enough to get the best flight and kill some of the rare mosters i was trying to kill every other lifeform on the planet but i finally moved on

i love it though