Spots and curling


This is my first grow and would like some help figuring out whats wrong. I stuck a seed in some soil that was taken from my grandmothers back yard and the plant started to grow. The soil im sure is pretty good soils. Its mostly compost from over 20 years of mulch and decayed plants. Im sure it wasnt optimal for a seedling but it was all i had at the moment. Im at week 3 and the first 5 leafers have emerged. The underneath leaves have gotten dark spots in no particular space and have gradually spread across the whole leaf. the plant is under a 100w cfl and hasnt been watered in about 2 days. the last time i watered it i flushed it because i thought it might be getting nute burn from the soil... pls help



Well-Known Member
I would suggest you buy yourself a proper plant pot and some proper fast draining potting mix and transplant them into those.


Well-Known Member
Yep, agreed. It's a pretty safe bet to say that the soil is locking out nutes, whether it's PH, or it being too rich. Switch soils, and they should recover okay, within a week or so.


Well-Known Member
Non-bark based potting mix that is fast draining. Up to you if you want potting mix with slow release fertilizers in them. If you do not go with the slow release version then you will need to manually administer the nutrient whereas the slow release fert soil will cover that for the first 4 weeks.
i dont really know how i am doing but my plant was looking way pretty started growing hair and all sudden the leafs started turning dark green and curling under what does that mean,, i tried flushing it and i am not sure if i over fed it or havent feed it enough what should i do:cry: thanx


Well-Known Member
I'd suggest its probably over feeding. Best way to get help would be to start a thread in here and add some pics so that people can see exactly the extent of the damage.