Spots and deficiencies during flowering (Pics) Help

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
I am three+ weeks into flowering and some of the fan leaves are getting really bad looking. Check out the pictures. She is currently growing in MG soil which may be the problem. She has done great throughout the grow until recently. I know that the grow cup is limited, but that is how I wanted it. The cup has drainage holes at the bottom also. I have used molasses twice since I began flowering. Otherwise I water about once every 4-5 days. I do not know if I can even flush the soil since it has pre added nutrients. What should I do? The fan leaves almost look bad enough to just pull them off. Would this be a good idea or not?

I am under a 150w HPS so the lighting should be sufficient. I am currently going to let the soil really really dry out and just use a lot of ph'd water to flush it out a little. Any other tips to fix this problem? Any specific deficiencies that you guys see?

Thanks for the help guys.



Well-Known Member
You have got to be kidding me! A freakin solo cup and your 3+ weeks into flowering? That plant is no doubt rootbound to say the least.

"I know that the grow cup is limited, but that is how I wanted it" <--thats about the most stupid f'ing thing I've seen written on here EVER!

Sorry dude, but you need to get her into a bigger container ASAP or she's doomed. That plant looks like absolute shit.

Sorry, but you asked. Dont take it personally

~Boneman :joint:


Well-Known Member
Those girls are super stressed out. As everyone said....Your solo cups are killing your efforts.

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
I currently do not have any soil and wasn't intending to buy more soil and another pot for her. Obviously, it is not a problem if it really is the solution to my problem. Here is a picture of a dixie cup grow for all of you non-believers.


MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
So are all my problems due to root lock? The upper growth is looking really green and full of pistil growth. Besides the lower fan leaves everything looks tasty. Keep in mind I am not looking for a high yield, this was my first grow, kind of an experiment. I heard somewhere that fan leaves promote stem growth. I am not lookin to have her any taller so would it just be better to pick off the dying fan leaves? Someone has to have a better answer than calling me stupid for growing in a dixie cup.


Well-Known Member
Rootbound for sure. This far into flowering the roots won't grow much more but getting them into a bigger pot will help with oxygen and ffeding.


Well-Known Member
I'm impressed with your "Dixie Grow". Clearly small growing containers are possible. X the doubter's and hear the believers.

So your one plant is having ph spotting and the out of wack ph is causing all the other issues. There are several essencial ellements being locked out by the ph issue. calcium, magnesium, and P (npk).

You can use dolomite lime to bring the ph to 7.0, just add it to your soil or mix into the water you use on the girls. You can get some hydrated lime which works great for balancing out the ph. Once your ph is in better condition the plant will begin to eat again.

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
i cant believe they grew that much out of a dixie cup, but why not cough up an extra 20 bucks and get some soil for all of them?

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
I'm impressed with your "Dixie Grow". Clearly small growing containers are possible. X the doubter's and hear the believers.

So your one plant is having ph spotting and the out of wack ph is causing all the other issues. There are several essencial ellements being locked out by the ph issue. calcium, magnesium, and P (npk).

You can use dolomite lime to bring the ph to 7.0, just add it to your soil or mix into the water you use on the girls. You can get some hydrated lime which works great for balancing out the ph. Once your ph is in better condition the plant will begin to eat again.
Finally, something useful to me. Thanks man. I will go grab some lime to fix my pH problem asap. I knew it was something simple like that, that could fix it. Damn MG soil messing up my pH. I will keep you guys updated on the spot issue once I have some time to correct the pH.

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
i cant believe they grew that much out of a dixie cup, but why not cough up an extra 20 bucks and get some soil for all of them?
I have been really busy lately and have not had a chance to get more soil. She has just been doing her thing lately and flowering nicely. I was surprised when the spots showed up and that is how I ended up here. I was always curious of how grow containers can change the way the plant grows. This is my first grow and my next will have a much more adequate setup (soil, space, strain, lighting, ventilation, etc). I figured I may as well turn this into a somewhat interesting experiment since I knew I wouldn't yield anything too useful anyways. I kind of like how I can easily maneuver this small container to where I need it. I will most likely continue through with the dixie cup grow and post some pics of my final outcome. Hopefully, I can get more support and not have so many haters like the first few comments.

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
So after all of this I decided to switch over to my spare 3 gallon pot. I got some regular organic soil and repotted her. I added a little bit of 8-7-6 MG nutrients to it, but keeping it light to not nute burn her. I think there is a pH problem and I have been having trouble finding lime dolomite. The new soil will hopefully balance out the pH of the soil and she will bounce back to life.