Spots still on plants.. better pics this time


Well-Known Member
I'm not outside but I haven't had any mites in months. just peel some cloves. peel them then put them pointy end up and about a 1/4 above the soil. I also used a 50/50 mix of alcohol/water in a spray bottle. I misted the plants twice a day for 2-3 days that seemed to kill the egg sacks and all the little bastards. Let me know how it works for you.


Well-Known Member
I'm not outside but I haven't had any mites in months. just peel some cloves. peel them then put them pointy end up and about a 1/4 above the soil. I also used a 50/50 mix of alcohol/water in a spray bottle. I misted the plants twice a day for 2-3 days that seemed to kill the egg sacks and all the little bastards. Let me know how it works for you.
thank you . i am gonna try the garlic tonight fo shizz! i have used the rubbing alcohol/water method , i find a few drops of the non-antibiacterial dish/water soap to work well also, i even droped some cash at the hydro store for this stuff called SUCRASHIELD. it smells like pickels
and i don't want my girls sucking in that stuff:weed:. they seem to be somewhat under control, i battle them everyday


Well-Known Member
Hope it helps. I like the alcohol because it flashes off fast
and don't hurt the plants. The garlic seemed to work well for me. Since I heard and tried it I been telling peeps about it but have not heard if any have tried it or if it worked for them let me know. good luck.


Well-Known Member
Hope it helps. I like the alcohol because it flashes off fast
and don't hurt the plants. The garlic seemed to work well for me. Since I heard and tried it I been telling peeps about it but have not heard if any have tried it or if it worked for them let me know. good luck.
the garlic did not seem to work. i bet because i am outdoors it didn't help much, the darn cloves started rooting in the soil, the rubbing alcohol/water seems to be keeping the mites under control, not complete eradication but definitely keeps the numbers under control. my girls, despite the spider mites and now white-flies, are looking beautiful and less than a month to go!


Well-Known Member
very strange. you peeled the garlic planted with the pointy end up an left about a 1/4 inch showing out of the soil? the ones I did dried up kind of but they didn't grow.


Well-Known Member
very strange. you peeled the garlic planted with the pointy end up an left about a 1/4 inch showing out of the soil? the ones I did dried up kind of but they didn't grow.
peeled em,planted em pointy end up with 1/4 showing..i removed them during watering checked it everyday for bout a week. once i saw they were growing lil roots i pulled them, it was woth a try :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Sorry it didn't work for you. Think I'll pull what I got and see if the bugs come back "all inside" like I said saw this and used it along with alcohol. mybe I got lucky and killed them all with the alcohol. thanks for trying it. At least I know it don't work outside. the thing said something about afids and roses and that would all be outside. again sorry it didn't work for you.


Well-Known Member
Sorry it didn't work for you. Think I'll pull what I got and see if the bugs come back "all inside" like I said saw this and used it along with alcohol. mybe I got lucky and killed them all with the alcohol. thanks for trying it. At least I know it don't work outside. the thing said something about afids and roses and that would all be outside. again sorry it didn't work for you.

no worries, like i said it was worth a try, as long as the alcohol/water is keeping them at bay and not getting worse i am a happy camper, especially since i have less than a month to go if not soonerbongsmilie,