Spotted One Male Flower One Under-Developed Seed Pod


Well-Known Member
Only on two of 'em... got around sixty White Widows going right now. I'm fighting mites too, and upon seeing these two fuckers I'm starting to consider taking them down early.

The 14th would be 9 weeks, this is the first time I've grown this strain but have dealt with similar genetics and through the 30X microscope they are appearing clear right now, some milky but not any amber.

I generally will take my plants down when I start to see Amber, just the way I've always done it.

Do you guys think I should take 'em down in another 3-4 days? Not getting quite the flush I'm used to if I take them down early... I usually do 10-12 days but this would only be 6 (and hand watering)

How long does the seed explosion take? Since I've found two, I'm sure there's plenty more... but how long will it take for it to get bad?

I've done plants in the past that fill up with seeds, but those were hermied for a while.

Whats your take ROI?