Spotty Badness


Well-Known Member

This is an indoor plant (GSC) in week 6 of bloom in coco fed every 8 hours. Its water is temperature controlled at 20-21 celcius and ph wanders from 5.7 to 6.2. Its fed coco specialised nutrients but its also been getting additional cal/mag.

Any idea what malady has befallen it?

IMG_20190303_222932.jpg IMG_20190303_223029.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yeh it does look like a calcium deficiency... but i'm throwing heaps of cal-mag at it :/ I've just read calcium is absorbed at 6.0 to 6.5, i might let the ph run up a bit for a cpl of days.


Well-Known Member
You may wanna foliar feed with Ro water and about 200 - 250 PPM of calmag at pH of 7 - 7.2


Well-Known Member
I do have some gnats. Early in the grow i didn't have enough air blowing around and the outsides of my fabric pots grew some algae and they're all grazing on it. Such a chore dealing with these bastards. I'll drench with BTI which will at least take out the eggs.

I dont think i've ever encountered "mites" in my grows before (in Australia). Wikipedia tells me they're a global menace though.



Well-Known Member

This is an indoor plant (GSC) in week 6 of bloom in coco fed every 8 hours. Its water is temperature controlled at 20-21 celcius and ph wanders from 5.7 to 6.2. Its fed coco specialised nutrients but its also been getting additional cal/mag.

Any idea what malady has befallen it?

View attachment 4293067 View attachment 4293068
Greetings :weed:

I am a newbie.

I had spider mite issues with my first grow just days before harvest.
I tried all sorts of methods.
Then my research came up with
Cannacure. It worked for me.
I now spray my new plants weekly with Cannacure. Currently predator free and the leaves look quite healthy too.

Not sure if this will be something you may find helpful. ... or not.

Grow Well




Well-Known Member
Perhaps short on Ca and / or maybe a little heavy on the mites.....definitely give your girls a once or twice over.

More importantly, remember, just because the plant is showing a deficiency of something you're feeding, doesn't always indicate the plant needs or wants more of what you're feeding. Sometimes everything the plant needs is there, it's just not available. Be careful with the CalMag, especially if you feel you only need one (Ca) or the other (Mg). While they do go hand in hand, they are not wholly correlated and sometimes too much of one will cause you issues with the other...ask me how I know. If the 'coco specialized' nutrients you're feeding already has Ca and Mg in it, and perhaps your base water does too, you may be over doing it by the addition of the extra CalMag....but don't forget to check for pests.

Just some food for thought...good luck.


Well-Known Member
Following up. I came thru it with 1688g averaging 281 per plant with 1.7g per watt. Had a high of 384g and a low of 145g on an individual plant. As aside the 145 got too much mothering from me and I stunted it.

Havent processed my trim yet but collected 1.05g of kief just while trimming.

Probably lost about 15-20g to mould. One cola was chopped down with mould, it had been touching the wall or something. Other mould was discovered during trim, its brutal how its always the fattest heads that sprout mould from the center.


Well-Known Member
Probably lost about 15-20g to mould. One cola was chopped down with mould, it had been touching the wall or something. Other mould was discovered during trim, its brutal how its always the fattest heads that sprout mould from the center.
Botrytis sucks. When I lived in missouri there were some strains that were problematic for that and I had to run dehumidifiers hard core. Moved to Colorado and now I am running swamp coolers to add humidity lol. Never saw powdery mildew in Missouri but it showed up when I first moved here due to the low RH%. Added swamp coolers and that went away. PM likes those RH% swings.


Well-Known Member
Sure does. I had a 24lt plumbed dehumidifier running non stop on laundry mode and a 14lt with a 3lt tank running as well (when i remembered to empty its tank). I still struggled to get RH below 50%.

As a percentage of bud affected its tiny... its always a kick to the nuts though when you find it.