Spotty brown dots and dying old growth

Hey know what's happening to it the old growth is dying and new growth thriving

water PH: 6,2
soil: miracle grow expand'n grow
nutes : 0 for a week
pot : 10 gallons
I am using distilled water ph to 6.2

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
well I wouldn't say it's dying, just a wee bit unhealthy.

The one leaf is almost sitting in the dirt, that will hurt any leaf....the rest doesn't look that bad.

edit...could be the nutes in the soil are a bit could raise your pH up a bit to 6.5......if this get worst I would consider cal-mag
I do ph my water from 6 to 6.2 and I am growing indoor under a 400 watt MH in a cool tube 9" above the plant my nutes are 8-7-6


Well-Known Member
I would venture to say you are making a mountain out of a molehill.With the exception of that one little brown spot your plants look good. I wouldn't give the spot a second thought. I've been growing for almost 3 years now and every grow I get some leaves that look like that but in the end I always produced kickass bud. My advice spend your time thinking about something else like how much you think you'll yield or how dank the bud will be.