Spread these FACTS PLEASE!!!

You focus on the 1900 car part. That is as far as your brain can comprehend???...sorry nerd...I focus on the BC stuff..or..1700 Jefferson and Washington farming hemp....who gives a shit about CRUDE OIL and the CAR factoid...

I would love to see you in the real world....just so I could look at you and laugh...cause you know you are UGLY...

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You simply are incapable of understanding, aren't you? What you attempted to pawn off as being factual, and clearly claimed to be factual, was at least in part not. Now you hope to sweep that total inaccuracy under the rug and attempt to shift the focus to something that so far no one has taken the time to also prove to be at least partially inaccurate.

You think being cunty will cover up for being ignorant .. but it doesn't. It only makes it clear to one and all what you really are.

You can rant and rave all you want and make childish claims about me that would of course be impossible to prove and rely on all your 6th grade fighting tactics if that will help you to fool yourself into believing that you are correct and in the right and I will not say another word in response. It gives me a headache to attempt to think down to your level and it is just too late at night for a splitting headache.

So now that I will be gone you can tell people that the Apollo rocket that Neil Armstrong and his crew flew to the moon in 1969 was made of hemp and powered by hemp biofuel too and that Air Force One is made of hemp and powered by hemp biofuel and any and every other nonsensical thing you can imagine is made of hemp too and you will not have to worry about me proving you to be wrong .... AGAIN.

Enjoy living in fantasy land .. or maybe you live on Fantasy Island and your job is saying .. boss, boss, the plane, the plane!
GOD if only the Zetas could locate you and pop you two....That would be a gift....

Luke 19:27
"As for these enemies of mine, who didn't want me as their king. Bring them in and execute them right here in front of me."
You can rant and rave all you want and make childish claims about me that would of course be impossible to prove and rely on all your 6th grade fighting tactics
careful...he might call us poopyheads...but moving on...too much to do to deal with this...but if i want to read it later...ill go to the website and read it from the source.
Wow kid you've got some issues. At least Bricktop took the time to read any of that stuff. He's probably the only one (including yourself).

If you're against all the anti-pot people, then start fights with all the pro-pot people, you end up standing alone bud.
GOD if only the Zetas could locate you and pop you two....That would be a gift....

Luke 19:27
"As for these enemies of mine, who didn't want me as their king. Bring them in and execute them right here in front of me."

You are quite possibly the biggest retard I have met on the internet in a while. And that is saying something.
You are quite possibly the biggest retard I have met on the internet in a while. And that is saying something.

WOW, I can actually die now....thanks for your retard approval stamp....hilarious...tons of funny people on here tonight....must be scared to lose their profits.....This plant got all blown outta proportion by this RETARD, Harry Jacob Anslinger...

Do some research, I am trying to return things back to the way they should be....TOTAL FREEDOM to GROW.

Any limit on Tomato plants you can grow? What bout Apple Trees?

My Point exactly....
WOW, I can actually die now....thanks for your retard approval stamp....hilarious...tons of funny people on here tonight....must be scared to lose their profits.....This plant got all blown outta proportion by this RETARD, Harry Jacob Anslinger...

Do some research, I am trying to return things back to the way they should be....TOTAL FREEDOM to GROW.

Any limit on Tomato plants you can grow? What bout Apple Trees?

My Point exactly....

Yes, you can die now. Because you are doing nothing to advance the pro pot/ pro hemp argument, you are just creating noise.
Thanks for the laughs :)

Dude , I understand your intent ... spreading the word , It's a good thing , But the point your missing is ... The word your spreading should be the real word .. the truth .

Most of that post is correct , But it has a couple of parts that have been called into question , Rather than get bogged down with a tard fight in a forum , You should have gone and dug up the correct info and put the post right . Instead you took offence and started an argument ... Not very peaceful and loveing is it man ?

You can't please all the people all of the time ... But you can try and learn from things like this and help yourself be happy :)

Thanks for the correct info :)


This entire thread is just....wow lol
^^^This is the kind of bullshit that has driven me(and a lot of good people/growers) away from this site. A bunch of punk kids. Bricktop is the last person that I would expect to see arguing with this asshole.
What burn? Like he was around back then when the Model T was built.....anywhoo....

Auzzie, you waste your time to HATE, thats pretty sad...your true colors show....IDIOTA!

And you just showed your true colors. Bricktops fact are correct, yours not on that particular matter. Like 'YOU' were around when the Model T was built! LMAO
GOD if only the Zetas could locate you and pop you two....That would be a gift....

Luke 19:27
"As for these enemies of mine, who didn't want me as their king. Bring them in and execute them right here in front of me."

Now the bagpipe is copy/pasting from the bible! LMAO RIU has a new trolll, move over Ludacris! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Hemp was a major cash crop back when George Washington was growing it. But if they legalize then everybody will grow hence loss of capital in a capitalist society. C.R.E.A.M

This is all I have to say. Haha, this guy is a "retard" ::shakes head::
Hemp was a major cash crop back when George Washington was growing it. But if they legalize then everybody will grow hence loss of capital in a capitalist society. C.R.E.A.M

At least someone can see where I am going with this....Thanks for seeing the real TRUTH, through the Idiocy I stooped to this morning....

Everyone else can keep bitching and moaning about taxes, and healthcare, etc, etc, etc....Or Corexit and BP...

Either your all in with your chips or you all are just closet growers. BLUFFING...
Someones gotta stand up and not give a shit what anyone thinks....FUCK all you...

I am for total freedom to grow as much as you'd like.....

The rest of you get caught up on physical looks....instead of seeing whats inside...

We see what is inside of you. You exude alot of hate yourself.
Someones gotta stand up and not give a shit what anyone thinks....FUCK all you...

I am for total freedom to grow as much as you'd like.....

The rest of you get caught up on physical looks....instead of seeing whats inside...

Rage more dude ...
Guys guys... come on, less of this

And more of this.

While this is the internet and yes the internet has its angry people, this of all places is one I would think that positivity is in abundance. We all smoke here, most of us grow, Just get along like normal stoners for fucks sake lol Everyone here has something they want to share, even if it is the wrong answer. If you know that some information is wrong, its really not that hard to correct and help someone on here. No one in my opinion should be going around talking shit about another ones ideas on a subject. Thats THEM not you, don't take it straight to the butt guys.
This is more of a somewhat off topic rant as I've eaten a few edibles and smoked on some chem x pure kush, so forgive me if this is out of place. But just because its the internet doesnt mean people shouldn't be getting along.
Guys guys... come on, less of this

And more of this.

While this is the internet and yes the internet has its angry people, this of all places is one I would think that positivity is in abundance. We all smoke here, most of us grow, Just get along like normal stoners for fucks sake lol Everyone here has something they want to share, even if it is the wrong answer. If you know that some information is wrong, its really not that hard to correct and help someone on here. No one in my opinion should be going around talking shit about another ones ideas on a subject. Thats THEM not you, don't take it straight to the butt guys.
This is more of a somewhat off topic rant as I've eaten a few edibles and smoked on some chem x pure kush, so forgive me if this is out of place. But just because its the internet doesnt mean people shouldn't be getting along.

Exactly the point I was trying to make...so what some facts are BS...point is the OIL has been around for millenia!!! Thats the point, these others....want to debate and compare dick sizes on cars and shit......