Spring Grill & Chill Sat 4/26

What up ladies n gents? I finally got moved out to the sac area unfortunately not soon enough for this! Hope we can have another meetup before the end of season -- my friend and I who just moved up here both have filipina wives -- filam farmer meetup?? :)

We're out in calaveras county anybody else nearby?
What up ladies n gents? I finally got moved out to the sac area unfortunately not soon enough for this! Hope we can have another meetup before the end of season -- my friend and I who just moved up here both have filipina wives -- filam farmer meetup?? :)

We're out in calaveras county anybody else nearby?

I believe jj has a fall harvest bbq planned with a pig roast!
Good Morning!
16 days since the picnic, the cutting of Kriptonite finely showing a 3/16" long root, the poor thing just might make it!
I cut 4 clones of Durban at the same time I scraped the Kriptonite, the durban has been repotted and vegging for 6 days now.
I need to get this going if I'm going to have it ready for the next get together. I'm jazzed, funny what a little root can do for your day.
What up ladies n gents? I finally got moved out to the sac area unfortunately not soon enough for this! Hope we can have another meetup before the end of season -- my friend and I who just moved up here both have filipina wives -- filam farmer meetup?? :)

We're out in calaveras county anybody else nearby?

I am nearby in sonora we should meet up and exchange some cuttings trying to build a variety I have g13 haze and lavender right now
Hit me up in a few days, if mine have rooted I'll give you 1-2.....
Thanks jj. The cherry pies are doin great. Gave my pops two to grow out down here in the greenhouse. And took a few cuttings off those ones that have beautiful roots goin so I'll have a few in the hills too :) excited to see how they turn out so I can show em off at the next meet up/ BBQ!
LOL, Funny I should see this. I just cooked up some pork ribs and used your sauce for dipping,
about 1/2 the jar, and man, that stuff is GOOD! I'll bring the m/t to the next meet for a refill.
The down side, I should of cleaned up before the onset.
Did I say it tasted wonderful?
Well don't know when we're going to have another of these but hope we will around September I expect to have some goodies from my latest harvest to bring then... also goodies from our garden for the filipinas (we're growing some filipino cooking ingredients ;) )

Did the filipina wives make it last time? I saw in the pic looked like maybe one hidden behind somebody but that was it :) Would love for my wife to be able to make a new friend or two out here since we just recently moved and there aren't many in the county we're in it seems.