Sprout Flopped Over,One Wilted


So before I was watering the plant w/ spray bottle and only giving a few sprays I am afraid that this was not enough water for them as I was watering 3 times a day so I decided that I should probably switch to a full water where it runs out bottom and do that every couple days. Well right before I was about to I came back to my plants pots were quite dry and 2 flopped over and one badly shriveled up. They were not dry for long but I am afraid I might of under watered the root system.

So I now watered them thoroughly tried to prop back up, on 6 23w cfl's 2 inches away, they were 4 before. On 21 on 3 off. And the room stays at 65 degrees at least with heater for 65 at night and probably 73 or so when on since the heat from cfl's.

What caused this flop? What are the purple stems? Can I do anything else to save? Or just hope for the best?



Well-Known Member
just from the looks of it id say shitty soil and way over watered...should only water the soil when its planted...then it should be a few days if not a week later it would need water again....the tiny roots are suffocated and drowning...let them dry out before you water them.


Its Light Warrior isn't that good soil?? I know I was doing watering wrong by spraying. I now soak soil every 2 days. I think that works much better, I just do not want to kill them from underwater again as I think that is what caused it.


Active Member
overwatering will cause weak stems that flop over... and is the main culprit for seedlings doing so... most seedlings dont have a large enough root system to consume much water..
water every few days (3-4)


Well I decided to try it. Day two the plants were wilting and soil top extremely dry. I am pretty sure if I were to leave them for 3 days they would of continued dying. The large sprout leaves are drooping all the way down. I watered are they done for? I am using light warrior at 74 degrees.

Could it be I underwatered them?