Sprout Problems?


Well-Known Member
I germed 6 seeds last week and planted them about 5 days ago... I've got one that popped up a couple days ago and the other 5 are nowhere to be found... I just uncovered a couple of them to see what happened and they are in there, the seed has broken way open and there is about a half inch of root... the tips of the roots are brown and shriveled... I've never actually dug them up before so I don't remember what they others looked like before... is this normal or have I killed 5 seeds?



Well-Known Member
sorry guys, wrong forum... I didn't realize where I was when I clicked new thread... moderator can delete at will... :)


Well-Known Member
im not sure but where did you get the seeds>? did you have them for a long time or somthing like that they might be like really old seeds or somthing like that.