Sprout showing bad symptoms


Active Member
Hey everyone. My seedlings are showing some bad symptoms, the leafs are curling downward. To me it looks like overwatering symptoms but I dont water often at all. I water once every 3 days. What do yall think it is? They are under four 42 watt CFLs. Also how long should I wait before I put them under a 400 watt metal halide? Thanks!

My setup



Active Member
Overwatering!! let them dry out..use the 'feel' method! lifht the cup and if its heavy then no water.. if its air light then time to water.. water can kill!


Active Member
i had that same prob ,, them 42 watt cfl;'s are 2700 K which throws off a yellowish redish spectrum ,.. not ideal for vegg ,, save those 42 watters until u start to flower ,, change them out with 4 of the 26 watt (6500 K ,, daylight) ,, walmart has them 2 for 6$ they say *daylight* right on teh front of the package


Active Member
I guess I will water less to see how it turns out. Also I'm in the process of remodeling my grow room so the carboard wont be there.

blaze1up: I have a 400 watt metal halide would I be able to use this instead of buying new bulbs? Or is it too intense for the sprouts? I can hang it far from the sprouts.

Thanks for the replies.


Active Member
My sprouts have been getting worse, I'm getting the feeling that this isn't an overwatering problem. I haven't watered the soil till it had become completely dry and still the plants are getting worse. The leaves are turning yellow with brown spots that look like they have been burnt. I think this is a chlorine problem in my water. I haven't been letting my water sit out to let the chlorine evaporate. Now my question is this, do I need to flush my soil with dechlorinated water or do I just continue watering without a flush?


Active Member
My sprouts have been getting worse, I'm getting the feeling that this isn't an overwatering problem. I haven't watered the soil till it had become completely dry and still the plants are getting worse. The leaves are turning yellow with brown spots that look like they have been burnt. I think this is a chlorine problem in my water. I haven't been letting my water sit out to let the chlorine evaporate. Now my question is this, do I need to flush my soil with dechlorinated water or do I just continue watering without a flush?

Dude i am having same problems. i been watering them with poland spring water. I have a dozen or so plants and most are showing signs of stress. I started to air out the growning room but still having some problems with a few of them .
Dude i am having same problems. i been watering them with poland spring water. I have a dozen or so plants and most are showing signs of stress. I started to air out the growning room but still having some problems with a few of them .
if it is not overwatering, spots and burnt tips sounds like either potassium deficiency or nitrogen burn. potassium is characterized by the little leave edges curling upward and yellowing, the old parts showing symptoms will not recover, if they are badly damaged clip off the leaves and watch the new growth for symptoms. hit it with something around 20-30 potassium fertilizer. if it is over fertilization, pull back on the nitrogen for a week or 2 and see if new growth shows symptoms, the idea is, find a nutrient balance that can be added every time you water, rather than in intervals, use a diluted nutrient so your plant is never over or under fed