Hi there. Germinated in 2weeks? care to elaborate? Do you mean- It takes ~2weeks for the seed to become a seedling or to sprout from soil surface?I am somewhat tired of trying to outrun the first frost. My plants will get germinated in 2 weeks. That will give them 4 weeks inside before they go to the greenhouse. Then most of them will go outside. I am going to try two auto's this season and leave one inside the greenhouse all season with the other on a deck in 5 gallon cloth bags. My other 2 plants will be White Widow fems. One in the ground, one in a pot. That is the plan so far but likely to change. I am not sure that they would reach full maturity if I seeded them in the ground where they would grow before frost.
Sprouting from soil surface takes anywhere from 2 days to 10 days.Hi there. Germinated in 2weeks? care to elaborate? Do you mean- It takes ~2weeks for the seed to become a seedling or to sprout from soil surface?
Hi there. Germinated in 2weeks? care to elaborate? Do you mean- It takes ~2weeks for the seed to become a seedling or to sprout from soil surface?
i'm an oldie but also a newbie now because things have changed so much, can you point me to a thread explaining the cloning bins?Yes...those are 50gl totes, I use 15gls of solution in each one. The volume of water keeps it from getting too hot...
What i have are DIY units of these.......i'm an oldie but also a newbie now because things have changed so much, can you point me to a thread explaining the cloning bins?
thank you kindly, sir@edblings RIU has a DIY section. A quick look turned up this thread on cloners. I'm sure there are more there if you want to give it a look.
DIY Bubble cloner or propagator for seedlings
I made a cloner today. Really simple to do. 40 litre plastic box with lid. Drilled some holes for the nets to sit in. Instead of throwing away the plastic discs I cut out, I decided to cut out another smaller hole in them so that those collars can fit inside them. They fit inside nice and snug...rollitup.org
It's kind of hard to figure out what exactly you're asking I tried my best to answer but rereading your question it's a little confusing. It looks like you're asking is it safe to do the whole germination and seedling process outdoors I would definitely not do it outdoors. The intensity of the Sun could do more harm than good to a seedling plant. I definitely feel starting indoor is a lot better for the plant's health that's why your plants go through a hardening off phase before you put them outside and hardening off is exposing your new plants to a few hours of natural sunlight a day and then bringing them back indoors just to prep them for the intensity the Sun is going to provide in comparison to the indoor lights they've been up under so far. With that being said some seedlings May survive starting outdoors but why run the risk I do pollination projects and make my own seeds but if you have to pay for your seeds which can get quite expensive I would not risk trying to sprout and grow seedlings under the sun.I’ve always been curious if it’s better to let them sprout indoors then put them outdoors when there alittle stronger or if it’s okay to let them sprout outdoors. Is the sun to intense for a fresh seedling?
I agree that when you have some pricey, limited genetics, you want to limit risk, but the spring time sun is no threat to seeds sprouted naturally out doors. My out door starts this year have, so far, seen no adverse effects from temps ranging from 30 to 80 degrees, having sprouted the first week of March.It's kind of hard to figure out what exactly you're asking I tried my best to answer but rereading your question it's a little confusing. It looks like you're asking is it safe to do the whole germination and seedling process outdoors I would definitely not do it outdoors. The intensity of the Sun could do more harm than good to a seedling plant. I definitely feel starting indoor is a lot better for the plant's health that's why your plants go through a hardening off phase before you put them outside and hardening off is exposing your new plants to a few hours of natural sunlight a day and then bringing them back indoors just to prep them for the intensity the Sun is going to provide in comparison to the indoor lights they've been up under so far. With that being said some seedlings May survive starting outdoors but why run the risk I do pollination projects and make my own seeds but if you have to pay for your seeds which can get quite expensive I would not risk trying to sprout and grow seedlings under the sun.
Thats why i mentioned they may survive but the elements are not your only concern. Critters and animals love marijuana leaves so here a person is with his seedlings outside exposed and along comes some rodent possum raccoon gopher deer neighborhood cat who happens to stroll into your backyard grow area and assassinate all your fan leaves and for a seedling they'll just eat the tops and leave you with a naked stem. I know this from watching my dogs devour fan leaves that's why animals eat grass if they have a digestive issue animals in nature know the medical benefits of a marijuana leaf and they absolutely love eating them not to mention insects there's just too many risk factors of having a plant that fragile and sensitive and desired outdoors unattended unless you have a secure greenhouse which was not mentioned by the op....that's why I mentioned nothing beats a controlled environment for a seedling but hey to each his own I prefer the safe way.I agree that when you have some pricey, limited genetics, you want to limit risk, but the spring time sun is no threat to seeds sprouted naturally out doors. My out door starts this year have, so far, seen no adverse effects from temps ranging from 30 to 80 degrees, having sprouted the first week of March.
Thats why i mentioned they may survive but the elements are not your only concern. Critters and animals love marijuana leaves so here a person is with his seedlings outside exposed and along comes some rodent possum raccoon gopher deer neighborhood cat who happens to stroll into your backyard grow area and assassinate all your fan leaves and for a seedling they'll just eat the tops and leave you with a naked stem. I know this from watching my dogs devour fan leaves that's why animals eat grass if they have a digestive issue animals in nature know the medical benefits of a marijuana leaf and they absolutely love eating them not to mention insects there's just too many risk factors of having a plant that fragile and sensitive and desired outdoors unattended unless you have a secure greenhouse which was not mentioned by the op....that's why I mentioned nothing beats a controlled environment for a seedling but hey to each his own I prefer the safe way.
Thanks! Assuming this is directed towards me. Didn't mean to hijack this thread, just wanted to share my approach. I will be starting one batch of rare genetics indoors, but hope to make enough seed to run everything outdoors all the time. Trying to create well adapted out door strains is one of my main goals.I wish you the best!
I'm outdoors from seed drop. The sun does not burn sprouts when they are outside to start with. It's only ones that have had indoor lighting that that is an issue with.It's kind of hard to figure out what exactly you're asking I tried my best to answer but rereading your question it's a little confusing. It looks like you're asking is it safe to do the whole germination and seedling process outdoors I would definitely not do it outdoors. The intensity of the Sun could do more harm than good to a seedling plant. I definitely feel starting indoor is a lot better for the plant's health that's why your plants go through a hardening off phase before you put them outside and hardening off is exposing your new plants to a few hours of natural sunlight a day and then bringing them back indoors just to prep them for the intensity the Sun is going to provide in comparison to the indoor lights they've been up under so far. With that being said some seedlings May survive starting outdoors but why run the risk I do pollination projects and make my own seeds but if you have to pay for your seeds which can get quite expensive I would not risk trying to sprout and grow seedlings under the sun.