Sprouting Lights

Im going to be growing in the next month and need to sprout my seeds for 2-3 weeks somewhere before transplanting them outside. I will probably end up putting the under my bed where I have about 30cm of clearance.

What are the best(preferably cheap) lights to use here and how close can they go to the seedlings.


Well-Known Member
Seedlings are easy becauase they dont require a lot of light.
The cheapest would be to put them in a dome in a front a window for a couple weeks


Horticultural T5 (high output fluorescent) lighting works well for seedlings and small plants. The fixtures are typically only a couple inches, and the bulbs themselves are quite slim. They do produce some heat but you should be able to put the plants within an inch of the light; keep them within a few inches soon after they sprout through the soil for the most compact growth.
OK, so i have three more questions, first I'm going to be using some seedling soil mix from canadian tire for 15$ and just wanted to make sure this would be fine. Second, im using red/white drinking cups to put germinated seeds in, is this ok and do I have to cut holes in the cup. And thirdly, should i be using a 18-6 or 24hr light cycle for these babies, and if im transplanting outside, does that mean I will need to plant germinated seeds in the morning so they fall into the outside light cycle? Need to know ASAP, planting just germinated them last night!

Btw, can I also but worm castings in the seedling mix or will that burn them?


Well-Known Member
Save the worm castings for later in the plant's life. The soil mix sounds fine. You'll need drainage holes in the bottom of the cups and a tray to place cups in to catch run off. If you are using artificial light, keep them on a 24 hour light cycle until the plants are ready to go outside. Once they go outside, leave them in their cups and find a somewhat shady spot for them for a few days to harden the plants off before exposing them to long periods of direct sunlight.

Good luck and happy harvests...
They germinated and sprouted nicely now, they about 1-2 inch's in height and I just put a thermometer/humidity gauge in the grow box. I have a heating pad under it set to warm(the heating pad works for 2-hours before automatically shutting off, so I turn it on 2-3 times a day(4-6 hours of added heat)which helped a lot during germination), and the gauge reading about 35C and 55 for humidity. is this temperature too high and should i take away the heating pad. Im pretty sure the humidity is fairly decent. Also, will this very hot environment create a lot of stress on the plants when i bring them outside which is in southern Canada in 1-3 weeks( I wont have the ability to put them into the sunlight for short periodes of time, theyre all going out in one go). I plan to use a 1-1-1(or 1-1-.5?) Vitamin b-1 seaweed mix to help them in transplanting. Any help on using that or alternatives, btw the hydro store in my city dosent have a huge selection for fertilizer/nutes.