Sprouting properly? Shell still attached


Active Member
:dunce:I feel like I'm asking wayyy too many questions, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I looked today and noticed 2 out of my 8 planted seeds were kinda sticking out of the dirt a lil. One of them still had some seed shell showing and the tap root was slightly above the soil. Are they supposed to be coming out like this? Its the one in the 2nd pic that I am most concerned with, because it still has a lot of seed shell on it and the tap root is white, should I place a tiny bit of soil over it so it doesnt dry out? I've noticed on a few others that it looks like the seed is coming out of the soil. Is it supposed to come out with the shell still on it?



New Member
I feel like I'm asking wayyy too many questions, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I looked today and noticed 2 out of my 8 planted seeds were kinda sticking out of the dirt a lil. One of them still had some seed shell showing and the tap root was slightly above the soil. Are they supposed to be coming out like this? Its the one in the 2nd pic that I am most concerned with, because it still has a lot of seed shell on it and the tap root is white, should I place a tiny bit of soil over it so it doesnt dry out?
just carefully replant it with the taproot down and dont try to remove the seed shell as it will fall of when its done its job.



Active Member
just carefully replant it with the taproot down and dont try to remove the seed shell as it will fall of when its done its job.


So can I just place a very small amount of moist soil on top of it to keep it under for a little while longer? I dont really wanna go digging them out and messing with em.


New Member
So can I just place a very small amount of moist soil on top of it to keep it under for a little while longer? I dont really wanna go digging them out and messing with em.
you can do but it will just keep growing upwards you should really replant it now so the root grows downwards(better sooner than later).



Active Member
you can do but it will just keep growing upwards you should really replant it now so the root grows downwards(better sooner than later).


Ok, so should I just dig a slightly deeper lil hole, pick up the seed with tweezers and drop it in the slightly deeper hole?? how is this different than placing a small layer of soil over it, the tap root is already facing downards. I attached a picture of the one in question, i cant even layer any soil over it because its sticking out so much. Does it need to be buried? Now I'm thinkin its healthy and I just need to keep it under the cfl and it will grow. Editted: I attached another picture of one that shed its shell but still isnt quite standing up yet



New Member
Ok, so should I just dig a slightly deeper lil hole, pick up the seed with tweezers and drop it in the slightly deeper hole?? how is this different than placing a small layer of soil over it, the tap root is already facing downards. I attached a picture of the one in question, i cant even layer any soil over it because its sticking out so much. Does it need to be buried?
if the taproot is growing down into the soil then just put some soil over the bare part but you said it was growing up through the soil so thats why i told to to replant it root tip down.
did you pre germ it before planting or just dropped it in to the soil ??????.
seeds should be planted 1/4" deep.



Active Member
if the taproot is growing down into the soil then just put some soil over the bare part but you said it was growing up through the soil so thats why i told to to replant it root tip down.
did you pre germ it before planting or just dropped it in to the soil ??????.
seeds should be planted 1/4" deep.


Pre-germed (didn't know any better) and I'm sorry I mean the tap root is just showing, not growing upwards though, its pointed down. I dont know if I planted them too shallow or not, do they look ok in my pictures I just posted? The shell fell off of one em, I barely touched it at all. does it look like its supposed to? The tips on the other ones are brown, still kinda seed colored but they are green below that



New Member
Pre-germed (didn't know any better) and I'm sorry I mean the tap root is just showing, not growing upwards though, its pointed down. I dont know if I planted them too shallow or not, do they look ok in my pictures I just posted? The shell fell off of one em, I barely touched it at all. does it look like its supposed to? The tips on the other ones are brown, still kinda seed colored but they are green below that
i cant see anything clearly in the pics.
this is how they start.




Active Member
Looks fine give it time and keep the soil slightly moist. Looks like its a little too wet.

Yea I misted it a tiny bit before i took the pics because it felt like it was getting a tad bit dry. its pretty loosely packed and isn't "wet" its just moist. It might be too loosely packed because I watered em well yesterday when i first planted em and the top was already dry today.

i cant see anything clearly in the pics.
this is how they start.

I went ahead and circled the seedlings so that you can easily see what to look for. If you click them, the pictures are hi-res (800x600) and the seedlings in question can be seen clearly. Your pic on the other hand doesnt maximize when I click it, and I cannot see it clearly.



New Member
Yea I misted it a tiny bit before i took the pics because it felt like it was getting a tad bit dry. its pretty loosely packed and isn't "wet" its just moist. It might be too loosely packed because I watered em well yesterday when i first planted em and the top was already dry today.

I went ahead and circled the seedlings so that you can easily see what to look for. If you click them, the pictures are hi-res (800x600) and the seedlings in question can be seen clearly. Your pic on the other hand doesnt maximize when I click it, and I cannot see it clearly.
i see now.
just let it be and it will fine.



New Member
Ok, thats a relief.. I just dont get why 2 of em are brown on the end, I hope they didn't get burned, I had a cfl above em to provide some warmth.
dont stress about it and it will be fine.
make sure your cfl is not too close to the sprout.
give it 2 days and it will be sprouting upwards.
