Sprouting question


New Member

I'm new to all this and i think i might have a problem. I 've read endless books, forums watched dvds before starting but i still think i'm facing a problem. I have 5x Royal Queen Northern Lights Autoflowering Feminized, 3x Herbies Auto Candy Kush autoflowering feminized, 3x Delicious La Musa autoflowering feminized.

I put all the seeds between towels for 24 hours.Some cracked open, some not. Anyway, i moved them all in peat pellets. Now exactly 7 days later none of them shows any progress. I did a screw up and kept the peat pellets in 90% humidity and 28 degrees celcius but then two days ago i saw that those are ideal conditions only for germinating not sprouting.
In the past 2 days i corrected the RH to about 50% and temperature to around 24. Still no progress. I digged them up today and i found they are still with the taprout out completely white (exept one of the Nothern Lights which is dark green, i think this one rotted) and look healthy but NO PROGRESS. I would at least expect the taproot to have been a little longer..

I 've seen from other journals that from the time you see the taprout it takes 2-4 days to see them surface.. Why are mine taking so long? I water them with boiled tap water (cooled down of course to room temperature) with a PH of 5.8-6.0 and planning to put them in coco-perlite mix. Since the beggining they are in completely dark space.


Well-Known Member
Not sure - seems like ur doing everything right. I just stick my seeds in a cup of water overnight. Sometimes they're open a bit but typically not. Then I put them in peat plugs with the seed only slightly buried (about the width of the seed deep). Then - I put a lid on the peat plugs and set it in a dark place for a couple days. Some germ in only 2 days or so but I've had the same 'brand' seed sometimes take 7 days. Don't know what else to say. They should go. Just keep the environment humid and dark, peat plug damp, and slightly warm and you should be all set. You could also go to the store and buy some flower or veg seeds to practice on. When you get them to go with regularity then try ur weed.


New Member
Thank god a positive response.. :P
I know some say seeds take up to 2 weeks to surface but my strains are supposed to be ready within 60-70 days from seed...So i don't think it's normal to take such a long time to surface.. :/
Maybe i really slowed them down with that 90% RH... :/

I will give them at least 2 more weeks no matter what until i throw them away..


Well-Known Member
Chill on them or you will screw them up. if they all have taproot, throw them into a solo cup (add drain holes) and put them in soil. I throw baggie with one small slit in it over the top to serve like a humidity dome. put them in taproot down, keep it moist, and wait....

good luck


New Member
Hey guys just a follow up. I'm very greatful for your help. I did leave them alone but still it's been 19 days now and still no sprouting. None of the 11 seeds came to surface. I transplanted them from the peat pellets to coco as a last resort but for the strains they are (should be ready in 60 days from seed) i think they are all dead. Still all the taprouts are WHITE (except one). Damn..
Guess i did really screw them up with that 90% humidity and daily watering.. :/


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should dig them up again.

Put seed in rooter(peat pellet) get it wet. Keep it moist, not soaked, and keep it warm. Do not dig it up.

High humidity is ok. I sprout mine in a clone dome.

Do not dig them up.


Well-Known Member
You know - seeds are actually pretty hardy - I mean sprouts. I soaked a couple overnight and planted. Couple days later I had one with the tap root growing up instead of down. Dug it up and planted it right side up and it's now a healthy young adult. I was surprised it lived.


New Member
Guys i digged them up the day i posted the sad news. They were still looking really healthy white taproot and everything...but nothing else. The taproot is barely visible. Just like day 2 when they left the paper towel!! I have them now in pure coco i'm gonna leave there anyway..but i don't see this going anywhere.. :/
Either too much moisture killed them or i drowned them by overwatering.. (no exact at "wet but not soaking wet..." :P )
Anyways...thanks a lot.. :)