Sprouting Trouble


Sorry, I don't have any pictures available so I’ll try to describe my problems as accurately as possible. I’m growing three seeds of feminized white widow that I got from Attitude (two are G-13 and one is Dinafem) and I got them all to germinate. Now my problem is now that they’re sprouting they have the first set of like round leaves and the new arrowish leaves that are coming in seem to be rotted. Like literally brown and gross are the only words I can use to describe it. The first arrow leaves are barely there but still I’m pretty sure this is inhibiting new leaf growth. If anyone could tell me what exactly the problem is and how to fix it that would be great. All the other seeds I have growing are doing fine including Serious Seeds White Russian, Barney’s G-13 Haze, Nirvana Master Kush, Vulkania V2.0, and Dinafem Blue Widow so I’m pretty sure it’s not the growing environment.


Active Member
Well, we need to know what your growing in, your water and nute schedule and lights used to actually help you.


I'm growing in Miracle Grow Moisture Control potting soil, and the light is basically whatever it gets from the sun. But I'm pretty sure it isn't the sun or the medium it's in because all the other plants are perfect and they're being grown in the same exact conditions.


I'm thinking it could be root rot or over watering. I put them in a new pot and the soil was really really moist. Is this plausible?


Well-Known Member
I think it's from overwatering. I just had this happen to a couple that I sprouted in a different soil from usual, probably should've added perlite. I done the same and just repotted.


Well-Known Member
Without a picture I don't know. I think you're saying the growing tip died? I had a few newly rooted clones under a CFLs and one bulb slipped a bit and burned the top. The first section of the growing tip was brown and died.

Is it crispy and is there a green center? I watched them for a bit, but didn't really see improvement until I removed the dead material from around the green bit. Left a little for buffer, but that prune is when I saw the plant come back. Dunno WHY it worked, but its an option. If your entire growing tip is completely dead and all you have is the cotyledon leaves remaining. . . . I dunno if they'll make it man. There isn't new growth available for it to come back, I think your best bet is pruning.

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
Yea it's the actual growing leaves. The cotyledons got droopy and the first normal leaves come out brown and almost looked wet. Repotting seems to have helped for one of mine at least but the others are up in the air, might have gotten too far along. I guess I'll see what they look like in the morning.


Well-Known Member
If yours are the same as that picture I think they might be toast. . . at the very least severely stunted. I wouldn't bother unless you're attached to them, focus time and money on beefcake plants.


Well-Known Member
Ok well 3 out of 4 are showing improvement overnight. Looks like repotting saved the day. I hope yours was as successful.


I repotted yesterday after this post and today there seems to be improvement. One of the plants is totally dead so i just threw it away, another plant is looking like it could make a comeback, and the last seems to be doing a little better. The picture posted on this thread is exactly what they looked like but i used a little fertilizer and repotted in dry soil and that seemed to do the trick.