

hey guys, I planted my germinated seeds on wednesday and I was just wondering how long should it take for me to start seeing something pop up?
Thanks in advance!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
between 3 days and 2weeks depending on conditions.

How far into your growing medium did you plant them???



Well-Known Member
it should be around 1/16 of an inch. Not an inch.

Only a very small way into the medium you have buried it. It may not sprout through or at least take a very long time i would get a propagation light on it so it knows which way is up. and leave it on 24/0 until it pops through.

Next time only put it 1/16 of an inch into the medium.

Get some reading done bro you're gonna need it.



lol yeah I do need to be reading up on it. Can i dig it up an put it in nearer the top? Thanks Jondamon!


Well-Known Member
And inch is fine, 1 inch will defently not kill ur seedling. It will take just a lil while longer to sprout, but WILL NOT kill it, but I do not recomend digging up ur seed, let her grow and do her thing, and you DO NOT have to have light on it befor it sprouts, lol, the plant knows which way is up. Gravity tells the roots to go down, and the folage to go up, its mothernature. But u do however need to put light on it as soon as you see it starting to poke out of the soil...good light, not some 15 20$ light u bought at wal mart....


Well its ok, i brushed a little bit of soil out of the way an my little girl was just there, so I have my lights on her. An there was me panicking. Thanks guys!