

Are these little baby sprouts? Can anyone help me out? And of they are why do they look all fucked up. :P I'm hoping they are. I will post pics below


Active Member
Looks like you got some new babies there in agreement with grorite, you need good soil they are lookin good....


Well-Known Member
You got that right.. i need to go back to soil grows if thats the case.. Never found any sprouts in my rockwool.. lol


Well-Known Member
But on a serious note.. Give them a lil time to get some roots going, then you need to transplant into better soil. Good luck


Yes I know the soil sucks, but anyways no, seriously guys. I hit up my guy asking for soil, he said he would sell it for me for 20$. I went home and put more soil in my pot with my one and only plant in it. A couple weeks later those sprouts came out overnight! Then the next day I checked in the soil, and there were sprouts like that with root structure inside the soil! I was like wtf but alot of them died, some are still sprouting from the soil still.