Spy Balloon!

Well damn, I seem to have strange bedfellows for shooting it.

So here's my reasoning, if there is something weird flying through the air it is the governments job to figure out wtf it is. It isnt unreasonable to just be like "hey, fuck yo balloon china" and not worry about damaging it in the pursuit of figuring out what it is. I can't picture them getting too butthurt about it, per their explanation it had gone off course so we are just getting it back to them. We can take a look at it and determine it's intent, be it weather or hunter biden dick pics.

Seems kinda silly all around. I'm for shooting it if we can do it for couple thousand bucks. Snipers in hot air balloons woooo!

Drones would have been easy but height or schematic capable I'm not certain. All's well that ends well? My initial feeling is not a good thing and I'm still sticking with it.

Blown off course all that time and the Chinese couldn't get it themselves before it reached other Sovereign Nations? This is suspect.
I am curious as to why the missile and not a couple of bullets :o! I guess if I had a choice it would be missile too. Hopefully there was nothing nefarious on board, heading to Bermuda (downwind) in a bit :o!
turns out Canada tried once before.

Rather than shoot it down why not capture it and learn more about it ?
God only knows what could have been learned!


With republican morons like these in the house, who needs enemies, they are a 5th column for the Russians and have no say in matters of national security after Trump and the numerous fascist traitors among them. Joe is doing better than expected on the economy and even better on foreign affairs, he's kicking Vlad's ass hard, not kissing it like Trump and knows how to deal with China, because they are squealing pretty loudly about it.

Seriously, after Trump who is gonna pay any attention to these clowns about impeaching anybody, or on matters pertaining to national security and military affairs. They will be lucky to get the courts to enforce most of the subpoenas they issue without getting dragged into court themselves for shooting their mouths off in public.

With republican morons like these in the house, who needs enemies, they are a 5th column for the Russians and have no say in matters of national security after Trump and the numerous fascist traitors among them. Joe is doing better than expected on the economy and even better on foreign affairs, he's kicking Vlad's ass hard, not kissing it like Trump and knows how to deal with China, because they are squealing pretty loudly about it.

Seriously, after Trump who is gonna pay any attention to these clowns about impeaching anybody, or on matters pertaining to national security and military affairs. They will be lucky to get the courts to enforce most of the subpoenas they issue without getting dragged into court themselves for shooting their mouths off in public.

Reading the republicans freaking out on Twitter about this if fucking hilarious. GO BRANDON!!!