spyder is now on attitude Brand name is Black Creek Gardens

will the spyder show more colour when grown outdoors?i have a pack,i ended up getting a pack of kush van stitch,a pack of spyder and a pack of purple kush.
i have some grandaddy purple s1's and some purple cheddar that i want to breed with the spyder,i think spyder/purple cheddar(grandaddy purps/exodus cheese)would be a huge winner.or could even get some spoutnik seeds and do a backcross to it with the spyder for a late september finish

inside/out hot/cold - all purple . period
spyder seems to be 100% homozygous for the purple bud trait

quite beautiful - if you starve 1, it'll turn kinda fusia/purple, but it's still purple

really awesome strain here
They are really tough too. They got hit by a freeze last night and it didnt even hurt them. My WW on the other hand looks really sad. Might not make it.