Square Foot Gardening


Active Member
Sorry, my boxes are made out of 2x12 planks. Most people don't like their gardens larger than 4 foot by 4 foot because it can be hard to get to the middle plots


Active Member
I've seen square ft garden videos on YouTube that one up the old sqft methods going urban and verticle with everything. Watermelons hanging on the vine is an odd site for sure.


Well-Known Member
cant wait to see pictures:eyesmoke:i love takin pix wit my new camera. hey kitty, here's a couple i took today of springs first offerings in my garden.
it's abnormaly warm here. if it stays this warm i'll be seeing cherry blossoms. lol. the hellebores and the snow drops are on schedule though.


Moderatrix of Journals
very nice! we have crocuses trying to do their thing, and the grandiflora has wee leaflets forming.
if spring has in fact arrived here, as i suspect it has, then it's unseasonably warm here too. which is funny because we were *buried* not 2 weeks ago.

i was eyeing up a green hellebores at the nursery the other day, but a wee gardenia said "pick me! pick me!"


Well-Known Member
what a gorgeous day. looking at weather forcasts, if we get two weeks of 50's we may see cherry blossoms here.


Well-Known Member
yer , hate humidity .. idk why it makes me more uncomfortable thirsty than dry heat.


Active Member
Because in high humidity the sweat does not evaporate as quickly to cool the body - so the body just keeps pumping out sweat even if you're already saturated.
In a dry heat. at least your sweat will evaporate to cool you but I guess it is risky business with that scenario too.

Stay hydrated.


Well-Known Member
to ^^^ mr uppity stranger. i do not think i like you very much. come here again and insult my friends and i will put my foot up your ass.

edit: not you pip. it was a possible spammer with an axe to grind. i deleted his obnoxious post.


Well-Known Member
I would go with the john jevons interpertation of this . Like intensive gardening . John is a reseach gardener and a great man who has amazing yeilds of nutrient "dense" food. Colliodal clay . Compost teas and intensive planting . Are his cornerstones