Square foot grow


Active Member
Dude! I'm with you, 2's a crowd!
I just finished about to pull my three plants. 1 square foot, 172 watts worth of CFL's
check my sig!
Good luck, you setup looks awesome.
I'm subscribed...


Well-Known Member
Heres my 10" x 10" x 2'

I'll have 3 of these, maybe different heights:

2 x 26w 6500K
1 26w + 1 42w 2700k
2 42w 2700k

Every month I'll cut a clone, then harvest a plant, and cycle plants through the boxes. Smooth transition from veg light to flower.

I made a cardboard dark hood today to start swapping 2 2 week old plants through 12/12 under a single 42w. Theres 2 more I'm going to veg longer.

compact and low maintenance, perfect personal grow?



Active Member
12and12 Grow Journal
Date: 1.22.09
Genetic: Bubble Funk
Plant Age: Surfaced 1.13.09 Veg day 8
System: Soil/CFL
Grow Medium: FoxFarm Ocean Forest,Perlite,Lime
Lighting Conditions
Lighting: 125 Watt Florescent 5000k 8120 Lumen
Cycle: 24 Hour
Environmental Conditions
Temperature: 68-75 deg F
Humidity: 45-55 %
Ventilation [out]: 4” inline 80 cfm On
Ventilation [in]: 6” Fan on low
Heater: small thermostat controlled 1500w
Air Conditioner:
Odour Control: Ona on hand
Water Conditions
H20 Type: RO Store Bought
pH in/runoff: 5.5/6.8
TDS content [PPM]:
Feeding Solution
Nutrient Solution: Fox Farms Trio on hand, Mollasses
Nutrient Levels:
Additive Levels:
Foliar Feed:
Plant Health / Stats 3 Bubble Funk
Plant Height: A:1 3/4" B: 1 1/2” C: 1”
Bud Density:
Trichome Production:
Internode Spacing:
Notes: I transplanted yesterday to some 16oz cups with FF Ocean Forest and Perlite no Lime my runoff was in the mid 7’s and it seemed no matter how much water I ran through them they still were at 7.5-7.7 with the transplant and watered with molasses pH’d at 5.5 pH runoff is now at 6.8 so it seems to be closer to where I would like it.
Growth seems to be fine the edges and veins of Bettie and Clara have a purple tint to them and Alyssa is green are they just showing signs of pheno or is it starting to show a deficiency?
And the tips of the biggest one Alyssa are curling down ….I don’t know what do you guys think?



Active Member
12and12 Grow Journal

Date: 1.27.09
Genetic: Bubble Funk
Plant Age: Surfaced 1.13.09 Veg day 14
System: Soil/CFL
Grow Medium: FoxFarm Ocean Forest,Perlite,Lime

Lighting Conditions
Lighting: 125 Watt Florescent 5000k 8120 Lumen
Cycle: 24 Hour

Environmental Conditions
Temperature: 68-75 deg F
Humidity: 45-55 %
Ventilation [out]: 4” inline 80 cfm On
Ventilation [in]: 6” Fan on low
Heater: small thermostat controlled 1500w
Air Conditioner:
Odour Control: Ona on hand

Water Conditions
H20 Type: RO Store Bought
pH in/runoff: 5.5/7.5
TDS content [PPM]:

Feeding Solution
Nutrient Solution: Fox Farms Trio on hand, Mollasses
Nutrient Levels:
Additive Levels:
Foliar Feed:

Plant Health / Stats 3 Bubble Funk
Plant Height: A:2" B: 1 1/2” C: 1”
Bud Density:
Trichome Production:
Internode Spacing:

Notes: well im not sure if they were shocked a bit when i transplanted.....ph still no matter how much water i run through it runoff is still at 7.5 the discoloration is still continuing and im starting to be a little concerned and on top of all that its day 14 of veg and its been days since ive seen any substantial growth.....crap......i dont know

here is my best picture so far check it out let me know what you think

Any suggestions to make sure my babies make it?


Active Member
i know ....i was always told that lime would ..."buffer" but now i know no mo lime....except for my outdoor grow...!!!!coming very soon


Well-Known Member
i put some lime in my grow soil but i start the seeds/clones in un-ferted soil...i could only get pelletized lime i gound up 2 cups worth in a blender

i know ....i was always told that lime would ..."buffer" but now i know no mo lime....except for my outdoor grow...!!!!coming very soon


Well-Known Member
yes there is alot of different lime out there,,,i myself like dolomite, as this is more of a slow release,,,as lime is more of a quick release,
it also pay's to take a soil sample to find out its ph, then u will know if its needed to be added to your soil,

there's no need to add it to soils that have already been buffed

happy growing and good luck


Active Member
day 16 veg
ok i wont bore you all with a bunch of veg pics...
just throwing them out there in case you see something i dont


Well-Known Member
I like to see pictures of the veg stage. One less could have been a little better.
But over all 8/10 for effort


Active Member
going to the hydro store tomorrow
you all pretty much know what im running
any suggestions on "got to have" items....