Square One Genetics


F53 of flower and the plants are looking nearly done and harvestable. The trichromes for middle buds are cloudy with 5-10% amber. Top buds are maybe 20% amber. I'm going to give it another day or two, but they were all ready. I was expecting more like harvest F60

edit: BBC x GRC strain- middle buds, least frosty plant, but best lighting.
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Tried to add them on IG but no luck yet is anyone kind to let us know when will be the next drop will be apreciate it.

They won’t be dropping GRC X BBC FOR A WHILE but they will be having other crosses with banana butter cups here shortly in late may early/mid June
If anyone is looking for some of his older work lmk, I’m sitting on some packs I don’t see myself being able to run anytime soon.

[tang a rang, ocean fruit, pacific punch, midnight wave, grape rock candy]